The Competition of Strategy

The topic of Vivian Lee’s blog really interested me. Two leader bands of electronic product are under a violent competition in advertisement, which Samsung Korea’s newest advertisement contained indirect mockery towards the Iphone 6.
That push me to think about market strategy. strategy is not only a series of analysis in finance or accounting, in my opinion, it is a kind of “war” in consumer’s mind. Just like the opinion in (by Al Ries & Jack Trout)—the concept really is about positing that product in customers’ mind. Doubtless, the humors used in Samsung’s advertisement is successful. The clever point is that Samsung used the rival’s popularity to advertise itself, at the same time, this piece of advertisement can pressure Apple’s public reputation.
In my point of view, except being different (which Samsung and Apple are really good at), the more important strategy is that how can the company do ‘replace thinking’. Can the company figure out what is costumers’ need and what is the perspective of its rivals? I believe this point is more crucial for big companies especially for Oligopoly Market.

Vivian Lee’s blog:

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