Tim Hortons: Bigger is better

Tim Hortons has always been one of my favorite beverages. When I saw the news that Tim Hortons had upgraded its cup size, I was really happy. However, after reading Jamie’s “Tim Hortons too finds ‘bigger is better’, I start to think more about their marketing. (https://blogs.ubc.ca/jamiejjq/2012/01/16/tim-hortons-too-find-bigger-is-better/)

As mentioned in Jamie’s blog, the upgrading strategy may shape consumers’ behavior. Personally speaking, I partly agree with this idea. As a loyal customer, I always buy coffee of large size, and I still buy large size now, which should be x-large before. However, I haven’t realized one thing until several weeks after the upgrading that the price stays the same. The price for large size coffee now is the price for x-large coffee before!! It really made me unhappy at first. I thought Tim Hortons was willing to give customers more benefit at the same price or something.

However, I do admit that their strategy works!! I am consuming large coffee now, which is x-large coffee before. And although I know x-large is too much for me, I am still buying it. One reason for this may be that once customers’ habit has formed, it is hard to change it. So instead of shaping customers’ behavior, I think this strategy is more taking advantage of customers’ loyalty to their brand and their constant buying behavior.