Baby milk rationing: Chinese fears spark global restrictions

Worried mothers in China are going to great lengths to get their hands on imported milk, causing retailers in the UK and elsewhere to ration sales.

Milk formula scandals also continue to hit China’s headlines. Those who can afford it choose to buy imported formula over Chinese brands. Even those mothers who breastfeed their babies are often doubt the quality of their breast milk. A mother said “Even if there is only a 1% chance that Chinese formula is not safe, I don’t want to be that 1%.”

The prospect of huge profits available to formula sellers in China has had a knock-on effect for retailers around the world. But the growing Chinese demand is now beginning to have an impact on countries outside Asia.

The Chinese government is attempting to solve the baby formula problem at home by strengthening its food monitoring system. Let’s expect the change of China’s baby formula problem in the future.



IPhone5s and IPhone 5c

Apple is not strange to all of us. On September 20 Apple two products: IPhone 5s and IPhone 5c, which initiate a new movement to sell. At the same time high profits also bring lots of debates.

 First of all, most people think the price of IPhone 5c is expensive than expected value. In UK, the costumers are restricted to buy IPhone 5s in that promoting the sale of IPhone 5c

Secondly, IPhone 5s is in short supply, especially the golden one. Suppliers and retailers don’t know when they will have IPhone 5s to sell.


China’s Alibaba, the world’s largest e-commerce company, has reportedly ended talks with the Hong Kong Stock Exchange and will try to list in New York.

Hong Kong Stock Exchange doesn’t reach a consensus with Alibaba about listing in Hong Kong. Then, Alibaba gave up Hong Kong while taken New York into account. According to the market analysis, the value of Alibaba is exceed 150 hundred million dollars and the decision makers of this company finally decided to give up list their company in Hong Kong, which was a heavy blow to Hong Kong Stock Exchange.

As we all known, everything has two sides. Some specialists thought Stock Exchange refused to give Alibaba a special privilege, which won a high reputation for itself. A report of BBC pointed out ’ By making an exception for Alibaba and allowing minority shareholders to control the company, a slew of Chinese companies would have followed.’ As a matter of fact, if Hong Kong Stock Exchange makes an exception for Alibaba, it will harm the interests of stockholders of the Hong Kong even the globe. From long-term interests of view, it was a good decision to reject Alibaba list in Hong Kong because Hong Kong defend their institution, which extend the same treatment to all.








Business Ethics

  No one can doubt the essential fact that business ethics problem over the last few years has attached great significance to public concern throughout the globe. People in growing number are beginning to believe that such situation would produce unfavorable effects on economic growth in the long run. Even worse, not only has what the business ethics posed a great threat to the development of economic but also endanger social stability and safety.

  There are a number of points we should bear in mind when considering how to tackle the problem. First of all, business should pay attention to business ethics, be provided with good business reputation and be devoted to establish the correct values of business ethics.On top of that, employees should bring into full play their own strengths to meet the needs of work. Last but not least, the government ought to strengthen the guidance to enterprises.

  First and foremost, businesses must realize that they should take immediate measures to put an end to the trend. If allowed to continue, businesses will surely result in the heavy cost.