
As consumer, we always want merchants offer us products with good quality and lower price. As businessmen(merchants), they always try their best to create more opportunities for their companies and earn more profits. Thus, for these reasons, some businessmen choose to use illegal or unethical ways to get more money. Actually there are business ethics problems in all kind of industries and here is some news about the food safety problems in China.


Talking about China, the first thing comes to your mind might be Chinese food. No matter where you are, it is always easy for you to find a Chinese restaurant to get some delicious dishes. However, in order to save costs and make products more attractive, few merchants tend to use chemical additive in their products, even thought they realize the insalubrity.

As far as I am concerned, the reason why some merchants tend to save cost by selling illegal food is because that they do not see the “big picture”. This means they only consider how much profits they can get now and some of them might lack of legal awareness. Therefore, governments should regular more detailed regulations to address food safety problems and the most important point is to educate people about the knowledge of business and law.

Bean Sprouts Tainted With Banned Additive Are Again Found in China

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