My comment on “The Art of ‘Putting a Smile on Customer’s Face'”

This article talked about the Zappos, which has been discussing in our lectures. The author found out some ways that she learned from Zappos which may “put a smile on customer’s face”.

First of all, it may be effective if Zappos can reach customers with different preferences. However, actually, never can it meet everyone’s need and affection. So it seems that it is an unreachable goal. Also, financially, there is no doubt that it should import increasing shoes to meet the diversity of both size and appearance. It absolutely leads to a significant increase in total cost with high risk due to the invisible returns.

Secondly, free calls may be a credible way to improve customer service, but, obviously, it needs a lot of labor—human forces, which is a relatively expensive production factor. Moreover, according to the video we saw in the lecture, employees always received many unreasonable call from customers—maybe just trouble-makers which is a great waste of time and money. Thus, from my perspective, it is not wise to increase profit by focusing on free call.

In addition, even though it seemed very ethic for Zappos to suggest their customers to look at competitor online shops, it did not make sense at all. Customers will hardly be impressed by the company who cannot provide them with tangible goods, especially online shopping.


-The Art of “Putting a Smile on Customer’s Face”. By Aylin Senem.

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