Archive for September, 2010

Sep 15 2010

Co-operation can cure recession

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US and China manufacturing growth eases concerns:

Recently, manufacturing growth in the US and China improved in August, and that helped to boost the global stock market. As we know, the world is still suffering  from the economic recession. People are losing their money and jobs. Similar things happened back to the 1930s, when the Great Depression happened after WWI. Eventually, WWII broke, and that was one of the main reasons of the end of the Great Depression: the war stimulated different countries’ military productivity.

However, in today’s peaceful world, nobody wants a war that might end the human’s reign of the Earth to end the economic recession. So, one of the possible solutions to the recession is the co-operation between countries.

The US has been blaming China for controlling the exchange rates, and China critisized the States’ protectionism over trades. But blaming each other doesn’t really help the world to recover from the recession. Every Country needs to strive in the same direction with countries’ different strengths to recover from the recession. Hopefully with co-operation between countries, the world will soon say farewell to the economic recession.

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Sep 08 2010

Hello world!

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