Monthly Archives: October 2010

Sizeable hike in regulated train fares as part of an attempt to cut the cost of government subsidies to the rail industry

Imagine packed subways and railways every day. Now, only more people, and to pay more for it. That’s the future of rail travel in the UK. People think it’s ridiculous to be paying for tickets where you have to stand … Continue reading

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Gender Pay Gap

This article (click here to view) is a very straightforward article where it talks about how Britain’s attempts to close the gender pay gap has hit a stone wall or “grinding to a halt” the article calls it. It states … Continue reading

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The power of social networks

How important is social networking sites to business’? Here’s an example. In the year 2008 Canadian folk singer, Dave Carroll was travelling with United Airlines when the baggage handlers damaged his $3,500 guitar. The airline refusing to compensate for the … Continue reading

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The BP oil spill

The article (click here to view article) is very biased towards BP. This article only talks about the negative externalities BP has created through its course; it does not provide all the positive things that BP has provided for us. … Continue reading

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