Sizeable hike in regulated train fares as part of an attempt to cut the cost of government subsidies to the rail industry

Imagine packed subways and railways every day. Now, only more people, and to pay more for it. That’s the future of rail travel in the UK. People think it’s ridiculous to be paying for tickets where you have to stand for hours.
The government has a public transport budget of 15.9billion pounds. The treasury has asked for two scenarios, a budget cut of 25% (4billion pounds) or 40% (6.5billion pounds). One way to help do that is by increasing fares.
The railway is paid for half by the tax payer and half by the fare payer, so if the fares go up, fare payers pay more and less tax revenue would be spent on public transport hence the government saves money. Fares can only rise by July’s inflation figure + 1 % which means a 6% increase in the price of the fare.
Consumers are worried because fares could rise up to 10% overseeing things in the future. In result of this, peak hours of tickets are going to change because people are going to try avoid travelling during peak hours.
Trains used right now by the UK are old and have done up to 5.5million miles. The supplies of new trains are on hold due to recession and the demand is said to increase by ¼ in the next coming years. This means consumers are going to be more cramped and are going to face increase in fare prices.
The cut of benefits due to recession and the increase in VAT along with the increase in fare rides are going to hit some people harder than others.

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