Intro to Marketing…?

As a second year international student enrolled in Sauder, I have been exposed to a wide range of backgrounds. Born in Malaysia (summer all year round; OH YEAH) with a South Korean citizenship I was immediately captured by outdoor sports. Football (or soccer as they call it here), golf and fishing (if you call it a sport) being my 3 favourite all time sports. As it is summer all year round, it was possible to do enjoy all of them anytime in the year (unlike here). I am a huge car fanatic. Cars. Cars. Cars. Don’t have a car here in Vancouver, but I’m hoping to get one here sometime soon.

Marketing… hmm… I took this course because it was on my STT. Sadly it’s at 830 in the morning. But I think marketing is a good course to take as a business student whatever the major. It allows you to see beyond what a product is, it allows people to understand it’s not just advertising, but also customer satisfaction and everything from even before the product is produced to the finished product.

Experience with marketing… err… as a consumer only. Calling customer service, buying products, researching on goods to see what is the best. I actually have two favourite ads. Of course both of them are car ads and it has really captured how good ads are becoming to capture audiences. Both the ads to me were just wow. Because firstly, there has never an ad like it before (its special) and just because I think it was pretty cool. The first one is called “The Cog” by Honda. The ad is a Rube Goldberg machine made of all the parts that make up the car Honda Accord. The second is called “Shell Helix – Crystal Car” and it has captured my attention along with all my friends by the creative idea of the ad.

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