Blog Response: RIM and its survival

This is a blog response to Shane Neetichow’s blog post on Rim’s survival guide.

Shane describes that RIM is trailing behind apple. I have to admit, they are. However, recent marketing schemes by RIM has made its products slightly more attractive than before (a good start maybe?).

As posted on my previous blog, RIM recently had a marketing strategy to cut prices on their BlackBerry PlayBook. This has proven successful and very tempting to many consumers (even I went out and bought one). Yes that’s right; I went out and bought the “unfinished” PlayBook with many vital applications missing. Personally, until the new Amazon Kindle Fire comes out, the PlayBook was the most affordable and value for money tablet in the market. So, was this a good investment?

Yesterday, at the BlackBerry DevCon 2011, RIM announced the beta version of the OS 2.0 of RIM’s PlayBook tablet. Giving it tweaks here and there, and lots of new updates with it. The idea of a beta version (for developers) is for the developers to test the new software, evaluate it, and give feedback to RIM. RIM will make the new changes and tweaks and release the final version for the consumers. The new version has all the vital applications and throws in a lot more goodies with it. RIM has announced that you can run and install Android Apps into the blackberry. Android is known for its innovative and creative ideas, and the ability to customize anything to the consumer’s personal needs. Now that Android applications are available on the PlayBook, the PlayBook has become an attraction to everyone in the world. With its small slick and small design, the PlayBook boasts portability and style.

The new OS has turned a lot of consumer’s heads, but until the full updates comes out it is a mystery whether it will be worth buying or not. So, is RIM along the lines of getting its reputation back?

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