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Reflective Learning Paper for the Project

Our Project is the social media plan for Cartems Donuts. I learned a lot from the project.

At the very beginning, when we deciding which project we should choose, we have many options, like CIBC, the company of Stephanie’s father, however, we tend to choose a small company which we can get as many support as possible from the company. Cartems is the one we are looking for, it is small, just started, active on several social media, and ready to have us helping them.

I think the most important factor of social media is communicating with visitors. If the social media can involve the visitors, it can win.

Jordan, the founder of Cartem, also the administer of cartem’s facebook, twitter, and Instagram, want more customer engagement too. So we start the project from the aspect.

We make some analysis about the current users, we find that the twitter is more active than facebook, and we only have 8% who click to the website of cartem from the social media.

Based on the analysis, we did three tests using the password of cartem, to find out what has happened if we engage more with users.

The process of doing this project is interesting, and we can use the knowledge we learn in class into practice. We have a pleasant conversation with Jordan, discussing the current situation of cartem’s social media and the future develop plan. Jordan is satisfied with what we have done for their company, and hope we can do more about the project.

As a member of our team, I am proud of the good job we did! However, I also find that there are some problems for small companies to run the social media. They can’t let an employee who focus on the social media, for example, Jordan is the boss as well as the administer of the social media, it means he can’t wait online to interact with users. I think it is due to the high human resource cost, but it worth the investment if you can attract more customers.

All in all, after the course, I begin to understand what is E-marketing and the basic principles, and during the project, I try to use them in practice, I really find it useful. I know little about internet marketing before, but now I feel more confident about this area, I think I will develop social media plan for my company.

The Crazy Nov.11 Online Shopping Festival of in China

The report is about a campaign of online shopping company in China. I will introduce the campaign, analysis the reason for its success, and some opinions upon the online shopping issue in different countries.

Nov.11 is a common day for Chinese people, but it is now the craziest shopping day these years. It is called “single’s day” since 1 means single, and it is 11.11., but why we are all crazy for this day? It is a festival which is set by the biggest online company in Chinese,, which belongs to Alibaba.

The official data of the sum of business transaction of on Nov. 11, 2013 is ¥35 billion (about $ 6billion). It is three times as the transaction volume of Cyber Monday of U.S.. Last year the data is 19.5 billion, and it increased 188% this year.

I really think it is a perfect case for the internet marketing, so I change my report to this topic when I saw the news about the result, I also think it is interesting to discuss the marketing method of

I think the success of results in reasons as follow:

ü  The involvement of most stores. The shopping festival involved almost all the online stores on, from the underwear, to the household appliances, it makes anything you want can be find from the promotion.

ü  Crazy discount. Mao Yun, the Chairman of Alibaba, said that the initial purpose of the shopping day is to create a thanksgiving day for online consumers. He hope all the stores can appreciate their customers with the lowest price on that day.

ü  Marketing Campaign. Before the Nov.11, made many efforts to promote the shopping festival by lots of method, for example, on their own website, outdoor advertisement, interesting joke on social media, these methods makes almost everyone know the concept of Nov.11 shopping day, even my parents who don’t shopping online heard of there is a great promotion on Nov.11. It really amazing.

ü  Hunger marketing. The business volume of the first minute is ¥117 million (about $2 million) , and ¥6 billion (about $1 billion) for the first hour. Thousands of people waiting for the time when the Nov.11 began. It is because there are many discount are sniping, you must make your choice before the event began and place an order as quickly as you can, otherwise you will miss it. It proves a successful marketing method.

ü  Social media. did a very good job in attract consumers to communicate with others, they develop an app, which allow customers to show what they bought, so the other customers can compare and make their own choice. It is interesting, and most girls have that app in China, even they don’t really buy so many clothes online, they also like to look at what the others buy.



The business model of is different from Amazon, ebay and even, which is also the big online shopping company in China. These online shopping companies are mostly operate by themselves, they have their own supply chain, logistic, customer management department, even have their own products. However, have none of them, they regard themselves as a platform for the online stores, and their direct customers are the owners of online stores. So their job is helping their stores attract as more customers as possible.

From this aspect, is more like a marketing company. The chairman believes that online shopping is the trend of next decades, and online trade volume will grow sustainable and play a more important role in China.

I find that there is few online shopping in Vancouver, and online shopping seems not so popular. However, it is very common in China to shopping online, you can almost get everything you need from the website, no matter you want a car or just some tissue, and you can also order hourly worker to clean your house. I thought internet should be much popular in North America before I come here, however, I find it is different. It is interesting to think about the reasons. The technology is not a problem, maybe the demand for convenient shopping and logistic costs are the major different. I haven’t done any research on this issue, but I think we can find opportunity from the compare between the two regions.