Ask For Ronald McDonald’s Retirement

Today, there is a scarcely of children who doesn’t recognize Ronald McDonald nor a parent who is nagged to visit the Golden Arches. But these years there are so many sounds that wish Ronald McDonald a speedy retirement.

Almost 50 years ago, McDonald’s showed a clown named Ronald McDonald first which exploited the marketing vulnerabilities of children worldwide. From then, McDonald’s became one of the top corporations in the world. The colourful and funny clown attracted the children all of the world and became the most well-known character just second to Father Christmas in US.

But as a result, in the past 30 years, the percentage of obese children has tripled in children ages 2 to 5, and quadrupled in children ages 6 to 11. Most people who care much more about health appeal that it is time to stop using such attractive character to children to advertise the harmful food to children. Because kids are not like adults, they are vulnerable to marketers’ manipulation and even cannot grasp Ronald’s persuasive intent. Most of them are attracted to those unhealthy food in McDonald’s just because of the attractive Ronald!


For our kids, it is time to retire Ronald.



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