Does AliExpress really recommendable?

Alibaba is a online shopping website which connects businesses with suppliers enabling them to negotiate contracts, and AliExpress is a platform of Alibaba to sell small quantities of goods. And both sell the goods manufactured themselves. As we know, that buying goods from manufacturers can save the cost of the complexity of shipping, importing and clearing customs.

But is it really recommendable to buy goods on AliExpress? At first, It is deniable that the free of shipment for all goods no matter how far the distance is is really attactive. However, through my own experiences of buying goods on AliExpress, the delivery time is really long (it often take more than 20 days to deliver to me). Furthermore, although the prices of the goods on AliExpress are really cheap, the qualities of those goods especially which only sold at 30,40 dollars are dubious. When I receive those goods, I feel they are unworthy the price.

It is important to choose the goods carefully on AliExpress and then it is possible to find excellent goods. But this website is not really recommendable because of the long delivery time and poor qualities of most goods.


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