No guns in Starbucks!

New poll: Starbucks is right to request no guns in stores

Washington navy yard shooting has renewed debate about guns-control  laws and the need for improvement of the mental-health system in US. And Starbucks has become a target for gun control advocates because Schultz said Starbucks would not ban customers from wearing guns into its stores. To show the support to Starbucks, more guns rights advocates went to Starbucks with guns in recent months.

Considering the bad effect of more guns in Starbucks, the Starbucks CEO Howard Schultz claimed that Starbucks customers should no longer bring guns into its stores or outdoor seating areas. This decision really started a controversy among customers. Some guns rights advocates said they would not go to Starbucks any more while some other guns control advocates feel  much better with the decision made by Starbucks. Schultz said that the gun would make other customers feel uncomfortable and he cannot make both guns control advocates and guns rights advocates satisfied. He just clarified his company’s position.


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