Great experience

It was exciting and inspiring to cooperate with my great helpful teammates to accomplish our goal collectively and actively. We together learnt the best way to apply our knowledge and skills in order to write marketing plans and to create an expressive and intriguing video which encompasses our central ideas and thoughts. We scheduled every meeting in advance and it was encouraging to see that teammates were enthusiastic to participate in our discussions. Some teammates were comparatively quite because of their personality, but they were able to help and share some insightful thoughts. Others were extroverts who were willing to say and behave passionately. In fact, everyone was doing very well and I really appreciate that point. Doing research might be one of the most challenging tasks from my recalling, however, everyone took some work and investigated into individual issues right away efficiently. So I believe that it was our collective intelligence that built our team so firmly. Moreover, coming up with a viable filming plan was exacting but unforgettable since we all put into our best efforts to manage to film the best quality video which was visually my first experience in such field. Knowing that my teammates were required to evaluate each other’s performance is always oppressive because you are burdened with some pressure. However, I think that it is also a great opportunity for us to perform well by converting stress to impulse. So peer evaluation is actually a very feasible and practical approach to encourage us to do much better than expected. I will remember this precious experience and utilize new skills in the near future.

Supply chain is the key to success

Zara’s fast fashion is very famous in retailing industry, but this peculiar way of selling clothes is not replicated easily by Zara’s competitors. Actually, it is Zara’s unique supply chain that has paved its foundation to be successful.

Zara’s design, manufacturing and distribution system is extremely centralized as it promotes the trend of fast fashion. By establishing an effective and efficient supply chain, everything related to Zara’s fashion is coordinated in a coherent way that cannot be influenced by other factors since it is already highly sophisticated. Zara is able to deliver the right goods to the right places at the right times, that is why Zara is always more sensitive and responsive than its opponents in the fashion industry. Retailers’ inventories are replaced by new ones very frequently to make sure that its consumers stay interested in Zara’s continuous supply of fresh goods and services.

Moreover, Zara executives have invested in its technology to generate additional capacity that allows their factories and plants to quickly adapt to sudden and urgent production changes, this is amazing in the sense that not every firm is able to do this.

Zara’s success is based on its fabulous creation of its unique supply chain that combines design, manufacturing and distribution perfectly, thereby building a long-run competitive advantage. Therefore, supply chain is the key to success.

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Differentiate your goods and services

It is meaningful and helpful to read other people’s marketing blog posts as we develop deeper insights into marketing strategies and plans in reality. From what I have read, I realize that it is extremely important for companies to take advantage of the skills of differentiating their products in order to enhance their brand image.

Why can consumers readily tell the difference between KFC and McDonald? It happens because both of the companies focus on branding and positioning their respective distinctive drinks and hamburgers when it seems that their goods and services conflict with each other. They also design memorable logos and slogans that consumers cannot forget after they have seen them on television by advertisements. When firm successfully builds its social image and impression by differentiating products, it consequently establishes an advantage that prevents consumers from switching to other competitors.

As mentioned in the blog post I have read, there are four elements that are significant to make your products outstanding. For instance, a firm should make sure that its objective or goal for product differentiation is clear and innovative. The firm additionally needs to deliver its value and benefits to consumers that reflect its purpose of launching the products. It is crucial that the product creates a sense of resonance that people feel that they are with the firm and its products. By doing so, your implementation of differentiation is needed to really make a difference based on these elements.

Making your goods and services different is the key to success.

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Facebook and its related issues

Facebook is an online social networking service which is extremely popular around the world. However, some countries still block the access to Facebook due to its potential threats which might imperil stability in all aspects. After reading my fellow classmate’s blog post, I believe that it is necessary to discuss this issue further in order to discover how marketing strategy of Facebook could be improved.

It is indisputable that some countries restrict the use of Facebook because of a variety of reasons. Among those reasons, I think that the most important one is the dissemination of information which could influence the government and people. Since people can readily post anything on Facebook to attract attention which consequently leads to massive awareness of a particular issue, it might be dangerous if unsubstantiated information is diffused online. If the background is that it is a big country with a lot of population, the consequence of conveying anything on Facebook is concerned.

It is indubitable that Facebook would like to augment its market share by expanding its business lawfully in some countries, but they need to make sure that they can abide by local law, rules and regulations. For instance, Renren is actually a very successful social networking service in a country, and it is essentially working in the same way as Facebook does. So, why is Facebook prohibited instead of being accepted and recognized by this country? I think that Renren is under supervision of the government and Facebook is hard to be overseen because it is internationally used. Therefore, if Facebook wants to maximize its profit by making sure that everything on Facebook is legal and ethical, it could be welcomed by some countries with some extent of supervision and control.



Rogers announces new program to retain loyal customers

Rogers Communications, which is a diversified Canadian communications and media company, has announced that it intends to implement new customer program in order to thank consumers for their support and business this summer. This innovative new plan allows customers to obtain and redeem more goods and services through simply accumulating points on their eligible purchases, which essentially encourages its customers to keep business relationship with Rogers since they would like to gain additional benefits by cooperating with this company for a long time.

From my personal perspective, this exhilarating customer program considerably helps Rogers establish a sustainable competitive advantage as it builds a wall around its position in the market by preventing its old loyal customers from shifting to others firms. This customer program also creates more customer value by providing better customer excellence as Rogers now decides to focus on retaining loyal customers and excellent customer service.

Moreover, it is meaningful to note that Rogers listens to its customers’ feedback and constantly attempts to improve its customer service by thinking of how to reward those loyal consumers to consolidate mutual relationship for future business.

In addition, Rogers new customer program significantly helps its consumers experience better when they automatically amass points by purchases. There are also three levels in this program which encourages consumers to keep business relationship with Rogers, which is beneficial for the firm in the long run.

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Seafood companies come together to end child labour

Recently, more than 100 seafood firms have joined the International Labour Organisation’s Good Labor Practices (GLP) programme to put an end to all kinds of intolerable child labor. From my perspective, this positive action raises social awareness regarding abuse of child labor and low standard of working environment in seafood processing industry.

As a lot of seafood firms have already started to adopt good labor practice guidelines, this measure successfully creates an ethical and positive image in the seafood market because consumers would regard those firms as trustworthy and socially responsible companies that contribute towards building a more harmonious society for our future generations. As marketers, they avoid detrimental actions as they do no harm to child labor by complying with relevant laws and regulations. When those seafood firms accumulate their reputation as they foster their image as honest and responsible part of the society, consumers are more willing to purchase their products, and firms’ revenues would rise as well. More importantly, child labor is terminated and working environment is significantly improved.

As to those companies which still abuse child labor, they will eventually lose their consumer loyalty and market sharing.

When firms embrace ethical values and develop their image by being socially responsible and contributing, their inner core value is appreciated, and it is beneficial to both of the firms and society in the long run.