Monthly Archives: September 2014

FINALLY find it! The assessment mechanism better than GDP


The Millennium Development Goals which was planned by the world bank will be out of date in 2015. Till then, people will summarize the achievements which are based on this plan.

During the service of this plan, extreme poverty has been eliminated by half. About 100 million poor people have got drinkable water and millions of the poor are having access to medical care. More and more females are getting education. However, there are still a lot of work to do.

The growth of economy improves people’s living standard. While, the pace of growth may be over speeded. Pollutions are treating people’s health and the ecosystem as well. What’s worse, the short-term growth which cost by polluting the nature resources will also make those people who are on the side of the poverty line stuck in the extreme poverty again.

The world bank is leading to release a new assessment mechanism call “Wealth Accounting and the Valuation of Ecosystem Services”. A report from the United Nations requires all the government use this new mechanism. Through this, different countries can ensure their measures are sustainable and share the same fundamental interests with each other. What’s more, people can compare their assessment equally in long-term. The issues of inequality and sustainable growth may be solved in future.



Expired meat scandal exposed by Shanghai media

July 20, 2014, Shanghai media exposed the case of U.S.-based food processor OSI Group LLC using expired meat. OSI supplies raw and processed material for many famous fast food company like McDonald, KFC, 7-Eleven, Burger King and so on, which makes this case become a hot spot of society.


As the parent company of Pizza and KFC, the Yum! Brands, Inc. just have released its earnings and estimates summary for Q3. It predicts that, the value of sales of Q3 will decrease by 13% and tends to fall down continually.

This case only happened in the counterpart OSI of Shanghai. However, some Western executives are also being affected by this scandal. They keep insisting that they are holding a higher level of standard then those counterparts in China. In order to protect themselves, many food companies are changing the supply-chain into their own hands, even if the cost would be much higher.

From this case, the integrity and the ethics of a food company is again being challenged. It is not the first case in China about the food safety. Before the case of OSI, there are issues about milk, beef and even rice. The supervision system of food in China needs to be improved immediately without hesitation. 


Sheldon Lavin (R), CEO of the OSI Group, and OSI president David McDonald at a press conference over the expired meat scandal in Shanghai on July 28, 2014 (AFP Photo/Johannes Eisele)–/YXBwaWQ9eW5ld3M7Zmk9ZmlsbDtoPTgwMDtweW9mZj0wO3E9NzU7dz0xMjY5/