Re:”the workplace zoo”-Wang Yun(Yuna)


In the blog she posted ,she mention a considerable  improvement of Artizia store is offering the motivation.In the article ,there are 5 worst things about working in Artizia.High Sales Quotas,Cliqueness/ Cattiness/ Fakeness,Language barrier/advantage,Discounts/ Wardrobe Expectations and Long hours.She didn’t really digging into the details of how difficult working in Artizia through these 5 categories.If it’s me ,i would prefer analyse the issues of the difficulty and according to each problem to give a specific advise,not just the general idea of motivation.

For example,normal sales associates get paid a pretty low wage, while Super Sales get paid a pretty good one. Super Sales also get a lot more discounts and clothing benefits than regular ones, hence why they always have on head-to-toe Aritzia clothes. Since the competition is large.Artizia could motivate employees by increasing the wage per hour.Therefore they are more innovated to dedicate to sell.

It also mention the language problem between the customer in Metrotown branch and the employees.The customers in Metrotown is mainly Chinese.So i would suggest artizia could hire more employees who can speak either great English and Chinese.

All in all,Yuna’s post is quite focused on the resolving part,but i suggest she could go in more details,which would be better.

Re: Yutong’s “Louis Vuitton Loses Value?”


As viewing Yutong’s blog ,i found that she clearly issued why LV store declines its sale?The main reason is that the expansion of the store and increase the length of the opening time.She also mention how it influenced the LV brand image as luxury brand. However,what she can improve is applying what we have learnt from the class.


When i looked through the original ,the editor compares the Celine ,Berluti and Louise Vuition.It shows how the LV would stand out .Because LV has the innovation in man’s wear and developing more categories for women’s wear including handbags to underwear and the age group is very widely focused on between 22 to 60.


There is also a common in China that the demand of luxuries is very high.However,LCMH didn’t expand the store to too many areas,which would  make LV become common and cheap.It keeps its own value and static. This is the great strategy in marketing.The quantity is not they aim on,the reputation and the brand image is the point.

Technology is changing blindness from the Ted Blog posted by Kate Torgovnick

The blog written by Kate Torgovnick is talking about how technology change the world of  blind through six stories.

In Ron McCallum’s case, who cannot read books on his own.The technology innovation allowed him to read by transcribing into braille to the maker of the first blind computer with speech synthesizer, to the inventor behind the Kurzweil reader that scans books and reads them aloud. It’s a fascinating look at something sighted people tend to take for granted.

Dennis Hong ,who made a special car for non-sighted people.The car allows blind to direct their own routine ,drive by themselves and also guarantee the safety.What an incredible thing!Technology can even offer the brightness for non-sighted people!

Sheila Nirenberg,who gave a treat for non-sighted people by creating a prosthetic eye that captures images and sends them directly to the brain, by hooking into the optic nerve.

These things that we cannot imagine in the early years ,however it comes true as the technology develops.Kate clearly state the categories of how the impact of the darkness world.



Facebook says yes, your posts can be used for ads


Facebook on Friday moved ahead with some proposed changes to its privacy policies to clarify that users’ posts on the site can be used in advertisements, but that users have controls to limit their appearance.Facebook update the policy very wisely ,which protects the privacy and also allows usual advertising.And these limits are charged by IT departments.

For example,accepting permission from their parents to have their data used in connection with ads. In Facebook’s August proposal,  if a user was under the age of 18.The IT department is taking responsibility for protecting the privacy of users.Members can limit who sees these types of ads, Facebook said, based on who is allowed to see “likes.” So if a person only allows family members to see that he “liked” a particular business, then only the family members would see the ad paired with the “like.”

Users can also opt out of social advertising.Advertising is par for the course on the Facebook site. People connect to their friends and the things they care about, they see what their friends are doing and they like, comment, share and interact with all of this content.

IT is the apartment  relating to these details and process,which protecting privacy of users by offering limits technologically.


Canada on the world stage


HSBC bank is going to enter the Canada market,the following value propositions is how HSBC utilize its strength and technology to capture Canadians.

They  see themselves as a body that connects entrepreneurs around the globe to help their dreams and aspirations come true.The bank is not just seen a client as a provider of finance and credit.They did much more than that.HSBC has a strong base of international partners.

On the financial aspect,they get the benefits of trade finance, in which the bank provides funding early in the trade cycle so that new customers don’t have to be turned away.Also,the bank is financing up to 100 per cent of the goods so you can buy more rather than being restrained by the financial supply chain.

On the customer relationship perspective,great communication among customers by negotiating with the a cash-flow benefit, a balance-sheet benefit and a sales benefit.

There is also a online tool  called HSBC net,which allows clients to view all their global HSBC accounts, wherever they may be located, through one view; to execute transactions; and to manage cash flow from anywhere they have access to the Internet. A real-time view of payments, receivables and account balances gives business decision-makers information that will help them to manage their working capital effectively.

Although there is a risk about the currency problem,HSBC knows how to deal with the exchange rate problems.They have lots of tools to reduce the risk of exchange rate fluctuation.They plan it out and have a strategy.



Cigarette butt recycling program

Government created the shared value ,there is a circle which has been mention in the class is

1.Build supportive industry clusters.

Two Vancouver social services agencies, United We Can and Embers offered the support.,in which Embers provided the manpower necessary to mount the canisters in the Downtown, Robson, Gastown and West End business districts, and United We Can, which works with the poor and unemployed in the inner city, will employ people to empty the canisters on a regular basis and ship the collected butts to TerraCycle’s Canadian depot.

2. Reconceive products and markets.

The company has already proven there is a market for the cellulose acetate contained in cigarette butt filters.The company has collected more than 10,000 pounds of the material and turned it into items such as plastic pallets and plastic lumber. Butts contain highly toxic compounds that can get into groundwater, and are the single biggest source of street litter in the world.

3. Redefine productivity in the value chain.

TerraCycle, which specializes in recycling difficult-to-recycle material, uses proprietary technology to clean and convert the toxic wastes into inert material.

The program includes the social,environmental and economic aspects,which by recycling the cigarette butts to extract the ingredient into other environmental use and avoiding the high toxic pollution.It also creates the strong sustainability in the future ,not only about the environmental problem,but generating more awareness of the danger of smoke.In the news, cigarette butt recycling program will cost taxpayers the grand sum of $110 ,which will reduce the rate of smoking because of the high tax!



the US shutdown

AT midnight on 30 September the US government officially shut for the first time in more than 17 years, after the Senate and the House of the Representatives failed to pass a federal spending bill to keep the government running.The US government has been shutting its non-essential services because US politicians on Capitol Hill haven’t managed to agree new budget for the new US financial year (which started on 1 October).

The side effects would be tremendous such as unemployment, falling of stock price and some immediate effects, such as the closing of national parks and museums, would be easily seen, while other services may only see delays.

A  government shutdown occurs when a government discontinues providing services that are not considered “essential.” Typically, essential services include police, fire fighting, armed forces, utilities and corrections. Interestingly, Congress and the President are exempt from the furlough and continue to receive compensation despite the fact that other services are suspended.Hundreds of thousands of workers are told to take an unpaid holiday.Citizens will be the biggest victim from the incident. Stores and restaurants near federal buildings relying on daytime foot traffic would suffer and Metrorail revenues would plummet from lower ridership.

News from(http://www.theguardian.com/teacher-network/teacher-blog/2013/oct/06/us-government-shutdown-teaching-resources

Free-trade zone for Shanghai

According to Xinhua news Agency,with the powerful support of central government,Shanghai is expected to exceed HongKong, becoming a financial centre which is almost second to none in the Greater China region.

Obviously, this plan will promote trade and regional integration process in Shanghai in a certain extent and also allow Shanghai to develop world-leading commodities exchanges.In addition,for the Foreign banks in Shanghai,they can have more room to develop them rapidly and easily,and for some domestic banks, the establishment of free-trade zone will make great effect in their overseas activities. What makes we citizens joyful is that shanghai will definitely turn to be a shopping paradise and we can easily buy relatively cheap luxuries.

On the other hand, it is not yet clear what it will really bring us since innovations are sure to produce price differences inside and outside the zone. It is said that the more ambitious there are, the more likely it is to fail.So,I believe we can try to take it one step at a time and just watch the influence.

BBC places next-generation iPlayer at heart of digital strategy

The iPlayer, launched in December 2007, is already hugely popular and increasingly being used on mobile devices.Of 234m requests for BBC TV and radio content in August, 32% came from smartphones and tablets.

The iPlayer company highly related to the consumer needs and consider the value proposition.The Value Proposition is the reason why customers turn to one company over another. It solves a customer problem or satisfies a customer need.  Tony Hall(a former BBC director) is expected to say that developing the next generation of the iPlayer, focusing on personalising the choice of BBC programmes offered to users, will be a key ambition for the corporation in his first significant speech since taking over in April.

Key Partnerships in this case is strongly developed ,which can be motivated by needs to acquire knowledge, licenses, or access to customers. Hall announced plans to put a wide range of cultural programming back at the heart of its output. There will be a 20% rise in investment and a new brand for arts content across radio, the internet and television. A new set of BBC partnerships with national arts institutions such as Tate, the British Museum, the National Theatre and Manchester international festival is also promised, along with relaunching The Space, the BBC’s experimental digital arts service developed in partnership with Arts Council England.


News from The Guardian(http://www.theguardian.com/media/2013/oct/06/bbc-next-generation-iplayer-digital)

Business ethics on tackling the environment problem

Business is a social activity, it is intended to make profits for the shareholders, who found the company. A company wants to sell goods ,so it has to buy material from its suppliers first, then have the employees produce products and sell them to customers.

As part of our society, a company is composed of large number of people, so it should act within the law , to do business legally. If it wants to gain as much profits as possible, it must establish good relations with both suppliers and customers, even anyone who affects it or affected by it. That is to say good reputation in its local community ensure a company a promising future. So I say a company is responsible to not only its shareholders but also its customers and the whole community.

In this case china is tackling the environment problem by investing in energy saving industries. That’s an improvement shows people are getting aware of the business ethics rather than profits.

Nowadays,executives not only make expenditures on reducing pollution but deliberately hire less-qualified, long-term unemployed workers, or workers from ethic minorities suffering from discrimination. They offer the opportunities to these kinds of people. That’s business ethics.


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