Monthly Archives: October 2013

the US shutdown

AT midnight on 30 September the US government officially shut for the first time in more than 17 years, after the Senate and the House of the Representatives failed to pass a federal spending bill to keep the government running.The US government has been shutting its non-essential services because US politicians on Capitol Hill haven’t managed to agree new budget for the new US financial year (which started on 1 October). The side effects would be tremendous such as unemployment, […]

Free-trade zone for Shanghai

According to Xinhua news Agency,with the powerful support of central government,Shanghai is expected to exceed HongKong, becoming a financial centre which is almost second to none in the Greater China region. Obviously, this plan will promote trade and regional integration process in Shanghai in a certain extent and also allow Shanghai to develop world-leading commodities exchanges.In addition,for the Foreign banks in Shanghai,they can have more room to develop them rapidly and easily,and for some domestic banks, the establishment of free-trade […]

BBC places next-generation iPlayer at heart of digital strategy

The iPlayer, launched in December 2007, is already hugely popular and increasingly being used on mobile devices.Of 234m requests for BBC TV and radio content in August, 32% came from smartphones and tablets. The iPlayer company highly related to the consumer needs and consider the value proposition.The Value Proposition is the reason why customers turn to one company over another. It solves a customer problem or satisfies a customer need.  Tony Hall(a former BBC director) is expected to say that developing the next generation of […]

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