Technology is changing blindness from the Ted Blog posted by Kate Torgovnick

The blog written by Kate Torgovnick is talking about how technology change the world of  blind through six stories.

In Ron McCallum’s case, who cannot read books on his own.The technology innovation allowed him to read by transcribing into braille to the maker of the first blind computer with speech synthesizer, to the inventor behind the Kurzweil reader that scans books and reads them aloud. It’s a fascinating look at something sighted people tend to take for granted.

Dennis Hong ,who made a special car for non-sighted people.The car allows blind to direct their own routine ,drive by themselves and also guarantee the safety.What an incredible thing!Technology can even offer the brightness for non-sighted people!

Sheila Nirenberg,who gave a treat for non-sighted people by creating a prosthetic eye that captures images and sends them directly to the brain, by hooking into the optic nerve.

These things that we cannot imagine in the early years ,however it comes true as the technology develops.Kate clearly state the categories of how the impact of the darkness world.

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