Looking through the data at first, I found it very convoluted and confusing to sort out. I recognized from this initial set that Track 9 – Tsuru…
Task 10 – Attention Economy
The User Inyerface experience really exemplified the manipulative technological design tricks that Tristan Harris (2017) talks about in his TED talk. It was interesting as I clicked through the interface before watching…
Linking Assignment
Task 8 – Golden Record
Bach – Brandenburg Concerto (First Movement) Beethoven – Fifth Symphony (First Movement) Blind Willie Johnson – Dark Was the Night Chuck Berry – Johnny B. Goode J.S. Bach – The Well-Tempered Clavier …
Task 7 – Mode Bending
In reading Cope & Kalantzis’ work on the pedagogy of multiliteracies and their argument that modern meaning-making (literacy) requires movement beyond traditional text and images, I thought a lot about how sounds…
Task 6 – Emoji Story
Turning media into emojis took me longer than I originally anticipated. Initially, I tried to think about whether my focus should be on the words of the title or words related to…
Task 4 – Manual Scripts
During this task, I wrote out some streams of consciousness of thoughts I was having over the weekend about Trump’s first few days in office. I usually type out all assignments and…
Task 3 – Voice to Text
For this task I used the Apple Notes dictation feature. “Hi everyone, I’m gonna talk about the reason that I became an elementary school teacher so I moved from China to…
Task 2 – Does language shape the way we think?
[2:30] “Language shapes the way we think, the way we see the world, and even the way we experience time and space.” This is important to me as I think about this…
Task 1 – Bag Task
What is your daily need for the items in your bag? Kindle: entertainment, learning Eyeglasses: clarity of vision, backup for contacts Lanyard + ID: access to work (school) and acts as identifier…