BlackBerry‘s New “Unconventional” Smartphone to be revealed at MWC 2015


While it’s only been a week since the launch of Blackberry’s newest flagship, the company has been doing some keen planning forward.

“In an interview for Reuters, Blackberry’s Ron Louks confirmed that his company was already working on an “unconventional” smartphone that should be officially introduced at MWC 2015″————-

It is said to be a device that can be easily operated with one hand. Unfortunately, Ron Louks did not give any further information. However, it was reported in the news last month that Blackberry is about to announce a new phone called Blackberry Victoria or Visa.

It was reported that the phone came with Blackberry’s newest keyboard patents, specially designed for this phone which includes very fancy keyboard hiding abilities. Generally, it was said to be a ordinary touch screen “phablet” design but the keyboard  normally shows only one row of keys and with the other two rows hidden inside the device itself. Users may slide or rotate the hidden keyboards to make up the complete keyboard when needed.


Ever since John Chen, Blackberry’s new CEO stepped up and took the position, the company was revamped in terms of its manufacturing and production, human resources, customer segment, value propositions and many others. By changing the outsourcing production to Foxconn, Blackberry was able to get rid of old production lines and focus on only a few of its production lines. Along with its act of changing its focus to enterprise customers, John resized the firm and optimized it for better processing, just like optimizing a PC that was previously filled with junk and not important cache. What’s more, John is optimizing the processor, making it perform better with calculations (enterprise consumer needs) other than graphics (fancy mass customer features).

John Chen was able to perform a successful turnaround for he’s previous job at Sybase, making the company retrofittable again, generating $2.8B of cash by 2010, just before being acquired by SAP AG. However, his previous performance took over 10 years. Can he do it this time and I wonder how long will it take.




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