Electro Optic Systems Partners With Lockheed Martin To Clear Up Space Junk



Amongst all news I’ve read about recently, I find this Australian firm EOS(Electro Optic Systems) the most interesting. It is great to see companies starting to care about these environmental issues, especially issues like this that people aren’t so familiar with. And yet I was shocked when the article mentioned that due to the space junk issue, it was expected that a global catastrophe may occur in 5 to 15 years! I’m also very curious why governments didn’t step up and act against it until quite recently, knowing this issue is so lethal? I think it’s credible that EOS and Lockheed Martin stepped up and took the action, and this type of action should be widely promoted and supported.  In such a busy world today, maybe it’s time to stop the work ahead and think about what we can leave for our future generations, and how can we develop on a basis that does not compromise the well-being of future mankind. EOS and lockheed Martin sets a great example for the world, and they shouldn’t be the only ones doing the job. EOS invested 1 trillion dollars into this project, but this does’t mean that ordinary companies can’t do anything to help. Companies can start from small things such as reducing waste, preventing pollution or innovative ideas to become more sustainable and environmentally friendly. I believe with millions of companies all working together, there shall be a big difference.

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