Focus on Corporate Social Responsibility!



The Qatari government has faced a severe problem about labor abuses and exploitation since 2010.The workers in Qatar have lacked rights and respect of company and society for a long time, because there is no proper labor law in Qatar to protect labor. The employers let the workers work in very horrible working conditions and  live in a labor camp which is really poky and dirty; however, only few people care about the workers and blame the company.

For the increasing problems such as workers’ rights, we have to start to pay attention to the corporate social responsibility which cannot only pursue profits and ignore the connection between customers, labor, community, environment and society. Milton Friedman believes that corporate executives should not do anything other than increase business profits.I agree that Milton Friedman’s view is right. However,it is a totally different marketing environment today and distinct from the one where Friedman experienced. Although it needs certain resources and capital investment for company to undertake social responsibility, in the long run, only by following the business rule of today’s world can enterprise get the approval and support of stakeholders including investors and consumers so as to realize the sustainable development. Corporate social responsibility has been one of important sources of enterprise core competitiveness in this day and age.

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