Full-time MBA P5 & P6 Schedule now available

The FT MBA P5 & P6 schedule is now available on the Current Students section of the Sauder website, and we have linked there from your Vista site as well. We anticipate that we will be able to release your Year 2 schedule shortly.

Registration for these FT MBA modules will take place towards the end of July – further details to follow. Any Part-time students wishing to take modules with the FT class will need to have flexibility in their work schedule in order to accommodate the class times.

There are a few modules being taught on the weekend format, and you will find the details for these at the bottom of the schedule pages, above the make-up classes. Please review the make-up class times as they do not take place during the regular class time, and you will need to be flexible with your availability.

Course outlines for the P5 & P6 modules are not online now, however we hope to have the majority posted for July. Outlines from last year are still posted however, so if the instructor is the same the outline will likely be similar.

We don’t anticipate many changes to this schedule, but it is always subject to change depending on instructor availability or other exceptional factors.

Theresa Scott is working on updating the specialization sheets according to what is being taught in P5 & P6 and hopes to have these updated for you in a few weeks time as well.

If you have any questions regarding the schedule please direct them to askmba@sauder.ubc.ca. If you would like academic advising regarding what modules to take in the fall please contact alina.yukhymets@sauder.ubc.ca.

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