Tour of Woodward Library – November 6, 2015
Come join us for a tour of Woodward Library led by Charlotte Beck. Meet at 1:45pm in the SLAIS lounge.
Past Events:
Bake Sale for Medical Library Month
Thanks everyone who contributed to our bake sale on October 28th. We raised over $100 for coming events.
CHLA/ABSC Annual Conference
June 19 – 22
Vancouver (exact location TBA, likely downtown)
Join us in Vancouver for the 2015 CHLA/
Graduate Student Instructional Skills Workshop
Offered regularly by the UBC Centre for Teaching, Learning, and Technology
Highly recommended; a real resume-builder. Costs $60 deposit to reserve a spot which is refunded upon completion of the three-day intensive workshop. All sessions to the end of the year are waitlisted, but there are many more scheduled for next term.
Neuroscience Research Colloquia
This lecture series runs Friday afternoons for the term.
These lectures take place at the new Centre for Brain Health next to the UBC Hospital. If you have an interest in neuroscience or want to learn more about what kind of research is being done in the Centre, check them out!
Medline Workshop at Woodward
Thursday January 29, 12:30 to 1:30
B25 Computer Lab, Woodward Library
HLABC Winter Continuing Education & Lunch
Friday January 30, 8:30 to 1 (attendance options can vary based on interest)
Lillooet Room in IKBLC
The Health Libraries Association of British Columbia has invited us to this workshop, which includes a one-hour networking session. You will have the opportunity to meet various health librarians and professionals and attend this workshop for free. Please RSVP by Jan 23.
Web of Science Workshop at Woodward
Thursday February 5, 12:30 to 1:30
B25 Computer Lab, Woodward Library
PubMed Workshop at Woodward
Thursday February 12, 12:30 to 1:30
B25 Computer Lab, Woodward Library
CINAHL Workshop at Woodward
Tuesday February 24, 11:00 to 12:00
B25 Computer Lab, Woodward Library
Thursday November 6, 2014
CHLA Group Tour
1 pm to 3 pm
Three library/archive locations all within a close geographical range: Biomedical Branch, Hardwick Pathology Museum, and BC Cancer Agency.
Monday November 17, 2014 12pm-3pm
Search Methods for Systematic Reviews
Woodward Library Computer Lab, Room B25
Facilitated by Charlotte Beck (our CHLA Board rep) and Ursula Ellis
Description: Need to know what the search process for systematic reviews is about? This half day session will provide an introduction to the process of locating relevant studies and recording the methodology. Topics include the systematic review process, framing the search question with tools like PICO, searching MedLine and other databases and grey literature sources, and tips for using citation management software for systematic reviews.
Register here:
Thursday November 20, 2014 at 10 AM
History of Nursing Symposium
Hosted by the UBC School of Nursing, $10 fee for students.
Register here:
Thursday November 27, 2014
Statistical Methodology for Systematic Reviews
Description: Hands-on workshop on statistical methodology used in systematic reviews, and an introduction to RevMan software ( Taught by Shayesteh Jahanfar, PhD, International Cochrane Trainer. Content covered will include: double screening process; data extraction process; providing examples of data extraction form; introducing Distiller software to ease the process of screening; effect measures such as odds ratio and relative risk; heterogeneity; creating a forest plot, tables of included and excluded studies, and risk of bias graphs in Revman.
Register here:
Graduate Student Instructional Skills Workshop
Offered regularly by the UBC Centre for Teaching, Learning, and Technology
Highly recommended; a real resume-builder. Costs $60 deposit to reserve a spot which is refunded upon completion of the three-day intensive workshop. All sessions to the end of the year are waitlisted, but there are many more scheduled for next term.
Learn more and register here: