Module 1 Post 4-Resignfying the Traditional: The Art of Narratives & Language Revitalization

This project was supported by The Halifax Media Co-Op and it is a first podcast in the series to come called by ‘Pjilasi Mi’kma’ki’, which, in Mi’kmaq, means ‘Welcome to Mi’kma’ki’. The author focuses on doing the first part of the podcast “in Mi’kmaq and then English because “I want my people to keep their language, or in many cases to get it back.” Through the art of narrative Annie keeps her language alive, and shares with others the horrors of “The survivors of a phenomenon called the ‘Sixties Scoop’. The ‘Sixties Scoop’ refers to the decades between the late 1950s to early 1990s, when Aboriginal children in Canada were removed from their families at a young age, en masse, and placed into largely non-Aboriginal homes. Many survivors of the ‘Sixties Scoop’, who are now grown ups, are trying to reconnect with their families, their languages, and their cultures. In a sense, they’re trying to find themselves.” (an example of continued colonization, etc). The next episode will be exploring language and education.

See here:

Listen here:

The art of narratives in the context of technology resignifies the language, and the personal histories done, and healing created by Annie Claire.

Ana K.


My interest was piqued by Ginsburg, Faye D., “Screen Memories: Resignifying the Traditional in Indigenous Media, “ in Media Worlds: Anthropology on a New Terrain and my R. and Perkins’s work re: aboriginal filmmaking. I would like to extend this theme of Resignifying the Traditional in Indigenous Media to other forms of art. My goal would be to further explore the relationship of technology/media that is used by indigenous peoples on their own terms and possibly without any cultural appropriation.

I am interested in Indigenous Art a part of everyday life/being that I have witnessed while living on a First Nation community where Art is place-based, inseparable from nature, land, well-being, surrounding living beings, spirituality, narrative, healing, the artist, etc. and it situated closely within each and comes an expression of this tight interconnectedness (and as such comes within a different set of relationships than when looking at Art as a separate discipline that is to be studied). I believe that knowing about this topic more in depth would enrich me as a person and consequently, as a teacher.  

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