Economic Globalization

Economic globalization, triggered by the imposition of this new “world order” and the
inclusion of vast regions of the planet into FTAs that are dominated by the wealthiest
states, without information for or consultation of large sectors of the populations of Third
World states affected by these agreements, have had huge impacts on these countries, in
particular on Indigenous peoples who live in them.

A report by the UN Working Group on Indigenous Populations published in 2003 examines
the most relevant impacts on these peoples as a consequence of globalization. Among the
impacts the UN Working Group identifies is the accelerated migration from rural
communities to urban centers as a consequence of the industrialization of agriculture,
pressure over Indigenous lands and erosion of Indigenous self-sufficient economies. The
living conditions of Indigenous peoples in urban centers, far from being better, are
characterized by exploitation, low wages, lack of access to social services such as
education and housing, and discrimination, thus turning Indigenous peoples, on many
occasions, into second class citizens. Another impact identified by the UN Working Group
is that generated by communications technology, which on the one hand has enabled
Indigenous peoples access to internet, global networks concerning their rights, and
organizations that provide them with resources and opportunities. On the other hand,
however, this technology has weakened Indigenous cultures.

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