A New light into Social Media: Protesting via Facebook


Social media has become increasingly more influential to world politics and economy. For instance, during last year’s Arab spring, the protesters outset the dictator with the help of the social media. Now the powerful effect of social media start to play an important role in business world, as young French entrepreneur took Facebook in protest of new tax increase on the rich. According to Varun Bathania, my fellow classmate, he said that street protest are common in French but they have little effect, but the Facebook protesting for increase taxes on the rich was surprisingly successful.

Reading Varun’s blog, I am really impressed of the power of the social media. The social media has become a great impact on world community; it allows ordinary people to have power to state their opinion rally supporters. However on the other hand it is still a dangerous tool for people with bad intension. Social media can become tools for company that want to slander its oppositions through Internet. For ordinary citizens, it is more likely for them believe the words came from other people like them instead from newsagent or television media.


Varun’s blog: https://blogs.ubc.ca/varunbanthia/2012/10/14/frances-pigeons/

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