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Lesson Learn from Nestle Tastes Social Media Failure

       Last year, Facebook users witnessed a real-time, social media centered public bludgeoning of a multinational corporation that will serve as a case study in social media ineptness for years.

       Although most of the public missed the online contretemps, Nestle Corporation’s Facebook Fan Page was essentially hijacked by Greenpeace activists and supporters protesting Nestle’s use of palm oil and its associated destruction of the rainforest.


       So what can we learn from the Nestle social media failure? Or can Nestle do better towards the attacks from its social media platform? Here listed some suggestions:

       First of all , you should foresee the attacks on your social media platforms so you need to prepare your crisis response in advance. What you can do is your message or feedback towards the negative comments. A risk management analysis should also be conducted based on each likely attacks. And respond should be immediately and cordially.

      Secondly, you can rally your supports against the critics. Nestle has a large amount of true fans and may ask for support from them.

       Thridly,utilize the power of the social medium to engage socially. A clear name or person on behalf of the Nestle to response on social medium would be better and easier accepted by the angry posters.


1 Response to Lesson Learn from Nestle Tastes Social Media Failure

  1. A short digression: When social media attacks. « foodle

    […] learn from the Nestlé social media failure or what Nestlé can do better towards the attacks. The post from November 16, 2011, states that good preparation in advance, asking for support of true fans, […]

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