March Meeting Minutes

Sure, it may have happened six months ago, but they’ve only now been approved!

LASSA_Minutes_Mar 11 2013

Library and Archival Studies Student Association
2012-2013 School Year Meeting #10
Date: March 11, 2013
Location: SUB 212
In attendance:
Victoria Ostrzenski: MAS President
Mary Jinglewski: MLIS President
Valerie Léveillé: Secretary
Matt Ruen: DUAL Member at Large
Sheena Gardner: Events Coordinator
Kendal Bergman: MLIS Member-at-large; Member of the Curriculum Committee
Lisa Uyeda: MAS Member-at-large
Alexandra Wieland: GSS Representative
Kate Clayborne: MLIS First Year Representative
Megan Whyte: MAS First Year Rep
Stephanie Gauvin: MACL Representative

Matt Ruen
Matthew Murray
Jordan Hatt
Grace Romund
Michael Wynne
Adena Brons
Sehdeep Kaur
Tracy Leung

Regrets (Excused):
Jonathan Schatz: Webmaster
Dan Gilliean: Co-Op Representative
Michel Catagné: Treasurer
Helen Halbert: AMS Representative

Eka Grguric: Events Coordinator
Katie Roswell: GSS Departmental Representative
Max Otte: Member of the Colloquium Committee
Meeting called to order by Mary at 12:05pm.

1. Approval of Meeting Minutes

Approved by Mary. Seconded by Victoria.

2. Welcome New Executive

a. Current and incoming members introduced themselves;

b. Incoming Executive members (2013-2014):

Grace Romund- MLIS President
Kate Clayborne – Secretary
Jordan Hatt – Treasurer
Michael Wynne – MLIS member at large
Adena Brons- Dual Member at large
Sehdeep Kaur- MLIS First-Year Rep
Sheena Campbell – Events Coordinator
Matthew Murray – Webmaster
Katie Roswell – GSS Representative
Tracy Leung – Faculty of Arts Representative

Elections for absent positions will be held in September.

Transition Reports

i. Mary requested that LASSA members produce transition reports for new incoming
Executive members (include responsibilities, tips & tricks, time
management/delegation of duties; etc.);
ii. Victoria has advised members that they may email her their transition reports so that
they can be passed on to incoming members;

iii. Members who do not have “successors” for their positions are also asked to submit a
transition report.

3. Liquor Licence

a. Since Michelle Mallette has left SLAIS, there are new requirements in place for the application
of a liquor licence:

i. “Serve-it-right” certification (processing fee is reimbursed by LASSA). Currently,
only Mary and Sheena have their certification;

ii. The individual registered on the liquor licence must be present at the event for the
entirety of it;

iii. LASSA can now determine until what time they would like to serve. Previously,
serving time has been from 4:30 to 6:30pm. Mary has suggested rescheduling the
hours from 5pm-7pm.

4. End of Term Potluck

a. Will be scheduled for the last Friday of term: April 5, 2013, from 5pm-7pm in the SLAIS

b. More white wine has been requested.

5. GSS Report

a. Alexandra reported that a GSS Special general meeting held last week;

b. GSS has allocated $50 to LASSA for having the most amount of individuals (2) from the
SLAIS department attend the GSS meeting. The cheque will be cashed by Katie Roswell.

6. Other Business

a. Admissions Committee

i. Kate attended the Admissions Committee meeting. Recommendation forms, used by
new applicants and their references, were discussed. Currently, there are two different
forms, which have caused problems for new applicants. Despite the issues, no
amendment was made to the current process;

ii. Academic recommendations will continue to carry more weight than professional

iii. The next meeting will be held on April 16, 2013.

b. Curriculum Committee

i. Kendal attended 2 Curriculum Committee meetings this term. She will be attending
another meeting on March 21st;

ii. Kendal reported that course proposals have been discussed at the last meetings. A
discussion on which prerequisites to include ensuesdand voting takes place. Currently,
some course have been approved by the Curriculum Committee, and must now be
approved by the Faculty Committee;

iii. The accreditation process has been discussed. Kendal sits on a working group with
Heather O’Brian and Giovanni Michetti to implement a Capstone sequence into
SLAIS for accreditation purposes;

iv. A “clean-up” of all courses previously offered at SLAIS (status, requirements, syllabi,
etc.) will take place.

c. Start of term potluck (Sept 2013)

i. Coordinating the start of term potluck usually takes place over the summer.
Coordinators often reach out to LASSA members via email;

ii. Retrieving contact information from members of other SLAIS committees is highly

d. Matthew requested the passwords as Webmaster.

i. Mary agreed that it would be passed along.

e. Director’s Forum & AGM

i. Reserving space for the AGM was an issue for the Events Coordinators;

ii. Sheena suggests that the SLAIS Office should be responsible for reserving that space
since the Forum is held in their interest;

iii. Mary Grenier told Sheena that LASSA cannot continue to hold the AGM within the
SLAIS Lounge (must book a separate room).

Meeting was adjourned by Mary at 12:45 pm.

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