by Melissa Chau ~ September 14th, 2011. Filed under: Uncategorized.


Known for their sexy sleek time-less pieces and with clients ranging from Madonna to David Beckham, Dolce & Gabbana is one of Italy’s finest and most luxurious fashion houses. D&G practices sandblasting, a dangerous technique that is used to produce their line of ripped denim. However, while producing their “killer” jeans, they are essentially murdering their workers at the same time.

During the process, large amounts of silica dust is produced and poses as a dangerous health threat to operators. Exposure can cause Silicosis. Although proven hazardous and petitioned to be banned by the Clean Clothes Campaign, D&G has yet to change their ways. Ignoring safety and health- D&G continues  to exploit workers from poorer countries. They were even quoted saying they did not intend to stop and the information on the dangers and potential risks presented to them posed no interest. Their insensitivity towards the wellbeing of their workers and families and the unwillingness to stop their immoral practices, is what makes it an ethical issue. By following their competitors and banning sandblasting, they could get rid of their bad rep and save lives. After all, killing workers for a pair of jeans isn’t sexy.



Deathly Jeans- A Film on Sandblasting

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