Hello incoming 1Ls, and welcome to UBC Law from your friendly ELG exec!
Who We Are
The ELG is a student run group at UBC Law that aims to promote awareness of the legal aspects of current environmental problems. That was really technical, but don’t be fooled, we have lots of fun too! We host meetings a few times a year to assess what our members are interested in, both academically and recreationally, and the consensus sets our agenda for the upcoming year. Our meetings comprise the executive for that year and anyone who is interested in the ELG, so join us!
There are three events the ELG puts on annually, below is a quick summary of each, if you’re looking for more information check out our website.
Negotiation Competition
I had the opportunity to participate in this event last year, and it was lots of fun! This event takes place in November at Allard Hall, in which teams of two get the opportunity to negotiate against other teams on an environmental problem. It is also an opportunity to meet other students and members of the legal community, as we host teams from other Western Law Schools (last year we had some teams from UVic), while practitioners and faculty judge participants.
The Public Interest Environmental Law Conference is hosted annually in Eugene, Oregon. It’s a great opportunity to network with other environmentally minded students and professionals across many faculties, as each year it is the gathering place of more than 3,000 participants from across the world! As a group, the ELG supports members who are interested in attending this conference by applying for funding and planning transportation and lodging.
Careers in Environmental Law Panel
This event is co-hosted with the Career Services office, and offers students the opportunity to hear each speaker’s unique perspective on practicing environmental law, followed by an opportunity for questions afterwards.
Last year’s panelists included Jessica Clogg from West Coast Environmental Law, Rob Miller of Miller Titerle LLP, Brett Nash with the Department of Justice, and UBC Law’s own Professor Ben Richardson.
The Fun Stuff
However, here at the ELG we believe that all work and no fun makes for a poor law school experience, so on top of the great academic events we host, we do non-academic events too. Some past events include watching documentaries together, going on hikes, and snowshoeing.
If you’d like to stay up to date with us before the start of the term (and throughout the year), check out our Facebook page, or visit our website where you can subscribe to our mailing list.
See you next week!
– Cassie
ELG Communications Coordinator