After the class about organizational culture. I have done more research about the company HP and found out as followed. Carly Fiornia was brought in as HP’s CEO in July 1999. At first Fiornia was welcomed to the trouble company. However with her implementation, the corporate culture of HP changed. “The HP Way” no longer maintained. Fiornia was asked by the board of directors to bring about change to the company. She did so aggressively, even bringing about the redesign of the HP logo. Her cutthroat managerial style and her celebrity ways soon became mismatched with the company’s vision. Later she was fired.
It is now the new CEO Leo Apotheker’s responsibility to establish norms for HP’s employees and let them solidify throughout every level of HP’s corporate structure. I believe that HP will face some resistance to change by employees and the organization, especially cynicism in regards to another CEO change and attempt at changing the corporate culture. When hiring new employees the selection process should be focusing on hiring employees that fit this new corporate culture and the process of socialization will allow them to completely embrace the new corporate culture.