Saudi Arabia announces Blackberry messenger deadline

The article talks about United Arab Emirates planning to ban the Blackberry Messenger as they claim issues relating to security concerns. In the world today, technology plays a big role in business. It helps us to connect to other and interact with them.  As we have learned that technology plays a major role in business today, it allows us to advertise product through various online sites. Where goods can be purchased online as well, due to the increase in internet users, at the same time there is a rise in smart phones users, a phone where various functions can be performed.

One of the popular smart phones is the Blackberry. It is able to browse through internet, use social media and viewing emails at the same time. These components will enhance the business, for example communication between sections, receiving quick emails while outside office. In Saudi Arabia, the banned of Blackberry Messenger (BBM), will affect business as BBM is one of the mean that is used to communicate between people in organization. From my opinion, technology does help us to conduct business operational much easier as things can be done virtually and hence less time consuming.

About phirapatchpalalikit

I'm currently a 4-year Commerce student, majoring in marketing at the Sauder school of Business.
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1 Response to Saudi Arabia announces Blackberry messenger deadline

  1. phirapatchpalalikit says:

    please refer to the link for pics

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