SoleRebels vs. TOMS

Toms Red Polka Dots Womens Classics ShoesAn internationally well-known brand, known to give individuals the experience of helping others in need while acquiring a stylish pair of canvas shoes for themselves. The founder of TOMS, Blake Mycoskie visited Argentina 9 years ago and decided that he wanted to help the children there upon witnessing their hardships without shoes. From that, Blake created the One-for-One model. For every pair of shoes purchased, TOMS will give away a pair of shoes to a child in need. Over the next few years, TOMS expanded their work to cover areas such as clean water, eyesight, safer births along with shoes.

soleRebelsOn the other hand, SoleRebels, began when Bethlehem Tilahun Alemu had the idea that “the creation of shoes could be a platform for inspiration hope.” Since 2004, SoleRebels trained and hired “those thought unemployable.” SoleRebels, trains and provides a way of life for the community. Contrary to TOMS before their expansion to other areas. SoleRebels products are also all handmade, and made from the most eco-sensible materials and with the most energy sufficient manner possible.

Though TOMS intended the One-for-One model to only have positive influences and outcomes, it generated a negative impact as well. By simply giving away shoes, TOMS is taking away from local businesses and communities that are wanting to survive. Though with a few tweaks and alterations to their business, TOMS is now supporting communities in more ways than just shoes.

Personally, I would support SoleRebels over TOMS (even though I own a pair of TOMS myself). I find myself choosing SoleRebels over TOMS because their core value of helping people grow instead of providing handouts, even though handouts aren’t necessarily bad; it’s just not as proactive. This mindset and value that I’m drawn to is extremely similar to the value that I try to instill in my junior cadets; they won’t grow if you don’t give them the opportunity to learn.




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