Propelling Social Ventures Conference 2013 – SAVE THE DATE



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Holiday Greetings from the BCC!

We would like to wish you a Happy Holiday Season and New Year!

We have posted a variety of workshops on COOL from January to March for you to participate in and these workshops will count towards your BCC credit requirements! Workshops include: Maximize Your LinkedIn Profile, Networking, Salary Negotiations, Media Training, Dining Savvy, Dress for Success, and Research Tools for your Career Success.

You will find details, location, and RSVP on COOL!  Sign up today!

*Save the Date*

PT MBA Careers Day

Saturday, March 2nd, 2013

Pan Pacific Hotel, 999 Canada Place

Time: 10:00 to 4:00 pm

Workshops: Media Training, Dining Savvy, and Dress for Success

*Times and workshop details on COOL*

Hope to see you there!

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Manulife: Entry Into Asia Challenge – Application is now OPEN!

The Manulife: Entry Into Asia Challenge is a one-time only event designed for undergraduate and graduate university business students from across Canada to develop business plans focused on Asia.

Created in partnership with the University of Toronto’s Rotman School of Management, the competition has a dual focus:

• The competition provides undergraduate and graduate business students from across Canada the opportunity to develop a business plan for a small and/or medium-sized enterprise (SME)
• The competition focuses on the creation of a business plan for international expansion to any country in Asia.

Competing teams will be asked to demonstrate their ability to think strategically about entry into the Asian market selected while demonstrating their understanding of the unique attributes, challenges and realities facing SMEs.
Participating teams in the Manulife: Entry Into Asia Challenge will be asked to develop a market entry strategy into an Asian country for their Canadian SME. Each team may select their own Canadian SME. If there is more than one team participating or entering from a Canadian university, those teams are restricted from selecting the same SME. Exact country focus to be determined jointly by the SME and the teams.

The winning team will receive a cash prize of $100,000 with $50,000 going to the second place team and $20,000 for the third place team.

Registration for the competition is now open and will be open until January 11, 2013.
Complete details including the contest overview, eligibility, key dates, deadlines and requirements can be found in the

Participant Information Package


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Student Satisfaction Survey – Please Complete

Dear students,

We have noticed that many of you have not completed the Student Satisfaction survey.  As such, we have extended the deadline to Tuesday Dec 18.

Please take this time to give us your feedback on your experience in the UBC MBA program so far.

We value your feedack and are dedicated to making continuous improvements to the program. 

Best wishes,


MBA & ECM Programs office

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Sauder Student Experience Survey – Reminder

This is a reminder to please fill in the Sauder Student Experience Survey by no later than 9:00am, Monday, December 10, 2012:

Below is a copy of the original e-mail message that was sent out on behalf of Murali Chandrashekaran,   Associate Dean, Professional Graduate Programs.


I invite you to participate in a survey which seeks to gather information on your experiences thus far at Sauder.  I am totally committed to the value of delivering superior service and student experience, and that is why this survey is being conducted — to provide insight into what we can improve upon, as well as what we can continue to do well in order to ensure that we continue to provide a valuable experience for you.


This is the second time we are conducting a comprehensive survey of total student experiences, and I encourage you to participate and provide your input.  The survey should take you no more than 30 minutes to complete.  Once the data are analysed, we will articulate an action plan to build on strengths and address areas of improvement.

This email is sent to you on my behalf by Laura Nightingale, who is managing the survey for us. Any inquiries may be directed to her

To access the survey, just click on the following link; no user ID or password is required.

Thank you for your cooperation!



Professor Murali Chandrashekaran
Associate Dean, Professional Graduate Programs
Director, Robert H. Lee Graduate School
Sauder School of Business
University of British Columbia

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“Miss Representation:” Film Screening & Panel Discussion

Sauder’s Hari B. Varshney Business Career Centre, in partnership with the Vancouver Board of Trade’s Women’s Leadership Circle, invites you to attend a special screening of the award-winning documentary film Miss Representation.

Join us on Thursday, January 17th, 2013 at the Sauder School of Business to watch this provocative film and participate in a thought-provoking panel discussion with industry experts.

Men and women welcome!

Space is limited, get your ticket online now!

Film Details
Written and directed by Jennifer Siebel Newsom, Miss Representation exposes how mainstream media contribute to the under-representation of women in positions of power and influence in North America. The film challenges the media’s limited and often disparaging portrayals of women and girls, which make it difficult for women to achieve leadership positions and for the average woman to feel powerful herself.

Panel Discussion
After the screening, learn more through an informative discussion on women and media with panelists:

Bob Elton, former CEO of BC Hydro and member of the Minerva Board of Directors
Darlene Forst, Producer at Skydance Entertainment
Candace Newton, Radio/Television Producer and Co-Founder of LivingNew Productions

Mary Lynn Young, Associate Dean of Faculty of Arts at UBC, will moderate.

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Guest Speaker: Mr. Thulasiraj Ravilla from the Aravind Eye Care System

You are invited to a talk by Mr. Thulasiraj Ravilla from the Aravind Eye Care System on “Innovations – How low-cost eye care can be world class”

Date: Friday, November 30th
11:45 am – 12:45pm (catered lunch provided)
HA 098
Please RSVP to the Google doc by Thursday, November 29th

Our speaker
Thulasiraj is an active member of the senior leadership team since 1981 of Aravind Eye Care System.  He brought in the management competence to the organization through effective systems and processes.  Thulasiraj along with his team have mentored over 270 eye hospitals across the globe to enhance their eye care services through a process of training, capacity building and consultancy resulting in doubling of their output within a year of engagement.  He has served as an Advisor on several national and international bodies; he was the South East Asia’s Regional Chair for the International Agency for the Prevention of Blindness (2000-2005) and was the founder President of Vision 2020 The Right to Sight: India. He has been a Technical Advisor to India’s National Programme for the Control of Blindness and to the World Health Organization.

Thulasiraj was named as a Social Entrepreneur in 2005 by the Schwab Foundation (World Economic Forum) and adjudged the “Hospital Administrator of the Year in 2008” in India by Modern Medicare and GE Health group.  He received the International Gold Award of Chinese Ophthalmological Society in 2009. He was an invited speaker at the TED – 2009 meeting in India. He is a regular invitee to the annual meeting of the World Economic Forum at Davos.

The Organization:
Aravind Eye Care Hospital ( is an ophthalmological hospital with several locations in India.   It was founded by Dr. Govindappa Venkataswamy in 1976.  Since then it has grown into a network of eye hospitals that have seen a total of nearly 32 million patients, and performed nearly 4 million eye surgeries, majority of them being very cheap or free. The model of Aravind Eye Care hospitals has been applauded all over the world and has become a subject for numerous case studies. The Aravind Eye Care System has won the Gates Award for GlobalHealth, the Champalimaud Award for eye care services, and most recently the Conrad Hilton Humanitarian award. Aravind was also listed amongst the 50 most innovative companies in the world by the magazine Fast Co.  Students from UBC MBA will be visiting the Aravind Hospital as part of the Global Immersion program in Feb 2013.

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National Investment Banking Conference – Jan 9-10 2013 – Registration Open!

The 4th Annual National Investment Banking Conference aims to provide delegates with an unparalleled opportunity to learn about all aspects of investment banking and the capital markets. The two-day Conference is held at the Pan Pacific Hotel in downtown Vancouver on January 9th – 10th, 2013.  By attending the workshops and panels led by practicing industry professionals, delegates will gain a well-rounded understanding of several different aspects of the investment banking industry.

NIBC 2013 will also feature three highly interactive simulations in Investment Banking, Asset Management, and Sales & Trading, provided by leading Wall Street training provider, MDA Training. With over 130 industry professionals involved and 300 students from across North America attending, a Wine & Cheese, 5-Star Gala Dinner, and two evening events, NIBC allows students to not only develop a comprehensive understanding of the capital markets, but also a rare opportunity to connect with a network of current and aspiring industry professionals.

Early bird pricing for Sauder Students ($120) is available until November 30th, 2012, and it is $55 less than a regular ticket.

National Investment Banking Conference Key Information:

  • Held at the Pan Pacific Hotel in Vancouver, Canada, on January 9th – 10th, 2013
  • Three interactive simulations on Investment Banking, Asset Management, and Sales & Trading
  • Workshops and panels on topics such as IPO, M&A, Investment Banking Valuations, Private Equity, and Sales & Trading
  • Early Bird Tickets ($120) can be purchased at
  • The deadline for the discounted registration price is November 30th, 2012; prices will increase by $55 after the deadline
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CFA Society – Guest speaker Event

The CFA Society is hosting Randy Smallwood of Silver Wheaton on November 29th and would like to extend the invite to our MBA students. They are offering a discounted price of $25.00 for the presentation and a 3-course lunch.

The event takes place at the Fairmont Waterfront hotel between 12:30-2pm on November 29th.

You can register by calling Virginia at CFA at 604.985.9889 or emailing Virginia at


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PT MBA Academic Advising at Robson Square

Alina Yukhymets will be available for PT MBA Academic Advising at Robson Square Campus Wednesday, November 14th.  Room to be confirmed. To schedule an appointment, please email or call 604-827-5283 and indicate your preferred time (Currently available: 2:30pm; 3:00pm; 3:30pm; 4:00pm; 4:30pm).

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