All posts by tory michak

Turning up the heat

For my personal geography project, I attempted to expand my personal heat map of Vancouver by using Strava to track 3 of my journeys: 1 bike commute to UBC and 2 walks with my dog. I then used the “flyby” feature to find records of people that cross my journey in real time. I picked one person for each journey, marked the place where we had our “missed connection” on a map and then tried to glean what I could about their lives from their internet presence, starting from their Strava profile and then jumping into other forms of social media and other websites. Finally, I wrote each person a missed connection, using popular phrases from craigslist and dropping hints about their personal lives.

This project is about how even when we are exploring a place in the physical world, like when I am getting to know my new city by walking my dog, bike commuting and going for runs, a part of us exists online, whether we are directly sharing our route via Strava or just have an online presence in the background of our minds. It also looks at how we might meet people in person versus how we meet and “know” people online.

Strava World Heatmap


User data from over 170 million bike rides and runs from 2015 is overlayed on a tiled map using data from Mapbox and Open Streetmaps. Toggling between bike rides, runs, and both, reveals the ways in which Strava users traverse roads, paths, and in between. While the data is compiled by computer engineers, it is created by the millions of users who attached GPS devices to their bodies or bikes in an attempt to measure their speed, distance, heart-rate, energy output, etc.

Listening to trees.

Chaitrali’s project made me think of what kind of objects you can play with a record player, because records are a 3D representation of sound. Here is a tree’s life mapped with sound.