At Home in 2020

Hannah Blank

“…all the friends that I’ve made throughout the years, some as early as freshman year of college, and some as late as within the past year or two. They all definitely have a piece in the puzzle of making Bellingham home. It’s always weird when they move, which I know is something that happens everywhere, […]

At Home in 2020

Simone Collins

(On defining “home.”) “It’s where you feel safest and you feel the most yourself. It’s the place that you create or you create with other people. And it’s the place where you maintain that peace and tranquility. Purposefully.” – Simone Collins Simone Collins is a Toronto based artist, artist’s assistant, barista, wife, and dog owner. […]

At Home in 2020


“I hadn’t really thought that much about home or the feeling of home in general, because I’ve always been a pretty ambitious person who wanted to get as far away from rural Montana as possible when I was younger, and everything was kind of built on the traditional ideas of success. And I think the […]

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