Global Learning


Global Network for Advanced Management



The University of British Columbia’s Sauder School of Business is the only Canadian member of the Global Network for Advanced Management, an international partnership spearheaded by the Yale School of Management dedicated to integrating international experience into graduate business education.
MBA students at Sauder’s Robert H. Lee Graduate School have unprecedented access to learning opportunities with business schools around the world – from Lagos to London, Cape Town to São Paulo, and Bangalore to Beijing.
An alliance of 30 leading institutions, The Global Network provides a global platform for immersive international learning opportunities through joint teaching, program development and exchange. Including schools from regions representing a broad range of cultures and economic development, the initiative is designed to develop leaders who can astutely interpret geopolitical contexts, orchestrate diverse international teams, and leverage and engage resources around the world.
At the core of Global Network these programs are available to all MBA students:

Global Network Courses
Global Network Small Network Online Courses (SNOCs) are virtual classes, which link students through an online platform and video conferencing. Students from around the world collaborate on projects and strengthen transnational work group skills necessary for global business. FT MBA students can apply to participate in the Global Network Courses during the last term of their MBA (Sept. - Dec.). Amount of credits per SNOC varies and typically is 1.5 or 3.0 credits, more information about specific courses is released in June leading up to P6 and 7.

Participating UBC MBA students will be registered in a UBC course  BA 531 Global Network Course, which has a PASS/FAIL standing. Upon successful completion, students will earn 1.5 or 3.0 credits (depending on the course they take) as an elective towards their MBA degree. Students in the Global Network Course must take the course for credit and will also receive a grade from the Host School. This grade will not be entered in the UBC transcript (but it needs to be a passing grade in order to receive a PASS).

There are no additional course or tuition fees associated with the Global Network Course taken during MBA.

Global Network Weeks (GNW)
Global Network Weeks (GNW) give MBA students and faculty the opportunity to pursue intensive study at another network school in short courses that leverage the institutions’ perspectives, programs and faculty expertise. Alongside their network counterparts, students attend classes, tour local businesses, and meet with experts focused on current regional business problems. FT MBA students can apply to participate in the October GNW taking place during their second year, between Periods 6 and 7. Detailed application information will be available in June.

Watch this video to learn more about the student experience of Global Network Week at EGADE Business School, Mexico in October 2019.

Schools/Topics/Dates: You can view the list of participating Schools, topics and dates on the Global Network Website.  Please note that you must attend all of your regularly scheduled classes according to the Professionalism, Attendance and Behavior Policy, so once your GNW participation is confirmed, please book your travel accordingly. Should there be a timing conflict with a regularly scheduled class or exam and the Global Network Week, students may need to drop the regular course. Students can also choose the UBC Sauder Course.

Format and Credits:  Participating UBC MBA students will be registered in a UBC course  BA 532 Global Network Week (1.5 credits), which has a PASS/FAIL standing. Upon Successful completion, students will earn 1.5 credits as an elective towards their MBA degree.   All students will receive a certificate of completion from the host school.

A typical course will include a combination of lectures, seminars, case studies, company visits, culture dashes, and networking events. You are encouraged to review the course outlines, if available, to get an idea of the format. Not all course outlines have been posted by the schools yet, but check back with the Global Network website, as these will be updated through November.

Costs: There’s no extra tuition associated with taking a GNW course. Students are responsible for their own expenses related to travel and stay, such as flights, accommodations, most meals and incidentals. Some meals, such as networking receptions, will be provided.

Network: Each participating school will host from 20 to 50 students from among all partner schools, with an average class size of 25-30. Each school can typically send 1-4 students to any given course.

Application Process: TBA. In early July 2020 students will be asked to submit their top 4 choices by filling out a short application form.

Selection Process: In case where a school is oversubscribed, lottery method will be used to determine selection, so all students have a chance at being selected for their top choice school first. Students who were not drawn for their first choice school will then be entered into the lottery for their second choice school, and so on, as long as seats are still available for those schools.   If the overall demand exceeds the total number of seats assigned to us, it is an unfortunate reality that some students might not be selected for any of their preferred schools.

If you have any questions, please contact  Alina Yukhymets at or 604-827-5283.

Online Global Network Week March 15-19, 2021

Below please find more information on the GNAM Network Week (GNW) online courses for March 15-19, 2021.

Apply  by  December 2, 2020 by filling out a short application form (see link below) with your top 4 choices. Please read important information below prior to applying.

Schools/Topics/Dates: You can view the list of participating Schools, topics and dates on the Global Network Website for March 2021.  Students can also choose the UBC Sauder Global Network Week.

Student Obligations: Please note that you must attend all of your regularly scheduled classes according to the Professionalism, Attendance and Behavior Policy, so once your GNW participation is confirmed, please adjust your schedule accordingly. Should there be a timing conflict, students may need to choose between the academic/career activity and the Global Network Week. Should there be a timing conflict with a regularly scheduled class or exam and the Global Network Week, students will need to drop the regular course or choose between the course and GNW, since concurrent registration is not permitted.

It is imperative that students have a reliable internet connection and attend all the live sessions despite the time difference.

Format: Courses will be held on-line by participating partner schools during their chosen local time.  Please be prepared for the significant time difference, depending on your host school. Students may be placed in project teams and will be required to give a team presentation or submit an assignment at the end. Pre-work is typically assigned and readings and materials are made available to students approximately advance. Please review the course outlines for information on the format, assignments and expectations for the courses you're interested in.  Not all course outlines have been posted by the schools yet, but check back with the Global Network website, as these will be updated through November.

Credits:  You will earn 1.5 credits as an elective towards your PMBA degree upon successfully completing the course. Students may receive a grade, mostly based on the final project/assignment, from their host school, and will receive a PASS on their UBC Transcript.

Costs: There’s no extra tuition associated with taking a GNW course.

Network: The range of numbers that each participating school will host is from 10-100 students from among all partner schools. Each school can typically send 1-5 students to any given course. The March 2021 network consists of 900+ students at 18 participating partner schools.

Application FORM:  If you are interested in applying to participate, please submit your top 4 choices by filling out this short application form by Wednesday, December 2, 2020, 11:59pm.
We will receive spot allocations from the GNAM network by mid-December and will be able inform everyone about the results December 18th. Please check your selections carefully before submitting the form.

Selection Process: In case where a school is oversubscribed, lottery method will be used to determine selection, so all students have a chance at being selected for their first choice school. Students who were not drawn for their first choice school will then be entered into the lottery for their second choice school, and so on, as long as seats are still available for those schools.   If the overall demand exceeds the total number of seats assigned to us, it is an unfortunate reality that some students might not be selected for any of their preferred schools.

We may be able to receive a total number between 40 and 70 seats for all of our students/programs for the October GNW.  We will receive the upper range of seats if our students apply for a wide variety of schools/courses. If most of our students apply for a small number of highly sought-after schools, the total number of seats assigned to us will be much smaller .

If you have any questions, please contact Alina Yukhymets – Manager, Global Learning at or 604-827-5283.

Global Network SNOCs Spring 2021 Application Information

Global Network SNOCs Jan. - Apr. 2021 Application Information

Please note that to be eligible to graduate in the May 2021 convocation, you cannot take courses that finish past April 10th, 2021. These courses are separated out in the Course Info and Application Document below. International students should also double check about the expiry of their Study Permit and eligibility for Post-Grad Work Permit.

Application Deadline: December 2, 2020

Brief descriptions and the timing of the courses are available on the GNAM website under the Global Network Courses tab.  Please note that some of the syllabi may change slightly, but the attached will give you a good idea of each of these courses.  The Course Information and Application Document below contains full info with credits, course outlines and application links.

Interested students are encouraged to apply for the courses by December 2, 2020. The first round of application decisions will be made in mid-December.

Important to note:

  1. Admission. Acceptance into the courses is selective. Respective Host School instructor/faculty will review all student CVs and statements of interest in the course and make selection decisions.
  2. Enrolment. All students who enrol in courses will take them for credit and will be evaluated and given a grade by the instructor of the course. Audit is not permitted.
  3. Credits. Credits vary from 1.5 to 3.0 UBC credits.  Some courses cannot be taken if a student took a similar course at UBC.
  4. Registration and Grades. Participating UBC MBA students will be registered in a UBC course  "BA 531 Global Network Course", which has a PASS/FAIL standing. You will need to achieve a passing grade in order to receive a PASS on UBC transcript
  5.  Number of Courses. Students can apply for more than one course, but the Global Network asks that you keep your applications to 1-2 courses.
  6. Course Withdrawal. Please be mindful of your personal, professional and academic obligations when increasing your load. If you wish to drop a course after being accepted, please make every effort to withdraw as soon as possible prior to the course start, to allow students on the waitlist a chance to enrol and to prevent team formation challenges.
    Withdrawal from SNOCs once the course starts follows Sauder RHL Withdrawal policy, and should only be requested with a legitimate reason.
  7. Time Zones. Please note the time zones for the different courses and convert them to your local time zone to ensure they work for your personal/work/academic schedule prior top submitting your application.
  8. Fees. There are no additional tuition fees associated with the Global Network Course taken during PMBA.
  9. Guidelines. Please review SNOC Guidelines and Best Practices document for general guidelines and practices for all students in the Global Network.

How to Apply:

Course Info and Application Document - contains course titles, links to the syllabi (Course Outlines), credit information, dates and times and individual links to apply for each course. Please note that to be eligible to graduate in the May 2021 convocation, you cannot take courses that finish past April 10th, 2021. These courses are separated out in the document.

To apply, please have the following prepared:

  1.  Your CV/Resume in Word of PDF format
  2.  A brief (one paragraph) statement of interest in the course
  3.  Administrative contact: Please list Alina Yukhymets ( as administrative contact from UBC MBA.
  4.  Review closely the Schedules, Time Zones, and Syllabi in the Course Information and Application Document.
  5. Apply through the relevant Application Link corresponding to each course in the Course Info and Application Document

If you have any questions, please contact Alina Yukhymets at or 604-827-5283.

Global Network SNOCs Fall 2020 Application Information

Global Network SNOCs Sept. -Dec. 2020 Application Information

Application Deadline: July 30, 2020

Brief descriptions and the timing of the courses are available on the GNAM website under the Global Network Courses tab.  Please note that some of the syllabi may change slightly, but the attached will give you a good idea of each of these courses.  The Course Information and Application Document below contains full info with credits, course outlines and application links.

There are over 30 SNOCs available for application.

Interested students are encouraged to apply for the courses by July 30, 2020. The first round of application decisions will be made in mid-August.

Important to note:

  1. Admission into the courses is selective. Respective Host School instructor/faculty will review all student CVs and statements of interest in the course and make selection decisions.
  2. All students who enroll in courses will take them for credit and will be evaluated and given a grade by the instructor of the course. Audit is not permitted.
  3. Credits vary from 1.5 to 3.0 UBC credits. Not all courses will earn UBC credit – please see the details for each course. Some courses cannot be taken if a student took a similar course at UBC (see notes in the Course Information and Application Document). 
  4. Participating UBC MBA students will be registered in a UBC course  "BA 531 Global Network Course", which has a PASS/FAIL standing. You will need to achieve a passing grade in order to receive a PASS on UBC transcript
  5. Please note the time zones for the different courses and convert them to your local time zone to ensure they work for your personal/work/academic schedule prior top submitting your application.
  6. There are no additional tuition fees associated with the Global Network Course taken during MBA.
  7. Please review SNOC Guidelines and Best Practices document for general guidelines and practices for all students in the Global Network.

How to Apply:

Course Information and Application Document - contains course titles, links to the syllabi (Course Outlines), credit information, dates and times and individual links to apply for each course.

To apply, please have the following prepared:

  1.  Your CV/Resume in Word of PDF format
  2.  A brief (one paragraph) statement of interest in the course
  3.  Administrative contact: Please list Alina Yukhymets ( as administrative contact from UBC MBA.
  4.  Review closely the Schedules, Timezones, and Syllabi in the Course Information and Application Document.
  5. Apply through the relevant Application Link corresponding to each course in the Course Information and Application Document .

If you have any questions, please contact Alina Yukhymets at or 604-827-5283.

Online Global Network Week October 19-23, 2020

Global Network Week October 19-23, 2020 – Apply by July 28, 2020

Below please find more information on the GNAM Network Week (GNW) online courses for October 19-23, 2020. Global Network Weeks  give MBA students and faculty the opportunity to pursue intensive study at another network school in short courses that leverage the institutions’ perspectives, programs and faculty expertise. Alongside their network counterparts, students attend classes, learn from local businesses, and hear from experts focused on current regional business problems.

Apply  by  July 28, 2020 by filling out a short application form (link below) with your top 4 choices. Please read important information below prior to applying.

Schools/Topics/Dates:  You can view the list of participating Schools, topics and dates on the Global Network Website.  Most schools will have a combination of pre-recorded sessions and live sessions and have listed the local time for the live sessions in their course description.

Student Obligations: Please note that you must attend all of your regularly scheduled classes according to the Professionalism, Attendance and Behavior Policy, so once your GNW participation is confirmed, please adjust your schedule accordingly. Should there be a timing conflict, students may need to choose between the academic/career activity and the Global Network Week. Students can also choose the UBC Sauder Course on Sustainability and Innovation, but may not also register in BAEN 549 "Innovation and Sustainability" in FT MBA Period 6 (due to content overlap). Should there be a timing conflict with a regularly scheduled class or exam and the Global Network Week, students will need to drop the regular course or choose between the course and GNW, since concurrent registration is not permitted.

It is imperative that students have a reliable internet connection and attend all the live sessions despite the time difference.

Format: Courses will be held on-line by participating partner schools during their chosen local time.  Please be prepared for the significant time difference, depending on your host school. Students may be placed in project teams and will be required to give a team presentation or submit an assignment at the end. Pre-work is typically assigned and readings and materials are made available to students approximately advance. Please review the course outlines when they become available for information on the format, assignments and expectations for the courses you're interested in.

Credits:  You will earn 1.5 credits as an elective towards your MBA degree upon successfully completing the course. Students may receive a grade, mostly based on the final project/assignment, from their host school, and will receive a PASS on their UBC Transcript.

Costs: There’s no extra tuition associated with taking a GNW course.

Network: The range of numbers that each participating school will host is from 10-100 students from among all partner schools. Each school can typically send 1-5 students to any given course. See Table below for the number of seats available at each school to the network of 900+ students at 18 participating partner schools.

Application Process:  If you are interested in applying to participate, please submit your top 4 choices by filling out this short application form by Tuesday, July 28, 2020, 11:59pm.
We will receive spot allocations from the GNAM network by early August and will be able inform everyone about the results by mid-August (these dates are determined by the Global Network). Please check your selections carefully before submitting the form.

Selection Process: In case where a school is oversubscribed, lottery method will be used to determine selection, so all students have a chance at being selected for their first choice school. Students who were not drawn for their first choice school will then be entered into the lottery for their second choice school, and so on, as long as seats are still available for those schools.   If the overall demand exceeds the total number of seats assigned to us, it is an unfortunate reality that some students might not be selected for any of their preferred schools.

We may be able to receive a total number between 40 and 80 seats for all of our students/programs for the October GNW.  We will receive the upper range of seats if our students apply for a wide variety of schools/courses. If most of our students apply for a small number of highly sought-after schools, the total number of seats assigned to us will be much smaller (see table below).

Important notification for Singapore National University (NUS): NUS is offering 3 different topics with 10 seats in each for the Global Network Students participating online and 5 NUS students participating in-person.

The table below shows the total number of seats each school will  offer to the network of 900+ students applying from 18 participating business schools.

School Course Seat Capacity
EGADE Strategic Innovation and Management in Emerging Markets – Latin America 100
ESMT Startup Financing, Valuation, and Venture Capital TBC
FGV Emerging Markets after COVID-19 TBC
Fudan Entrepreneurship and Intrapreneurship in China 150
Haas Bay Area Innovation and Entrepreneurship TBC
IE Beyond the New Normal: Europe at a Crossroads TBC
IIMB Inclusive Business Models: Touching Lives, Creating Livelihoods 30 + 10
Koc Design Thinking 20
Lagos The Creativity Business in Africa: an immersion into the creative industry in Nigeria 30
NUS Corporate Finance & Cryptocurrency (*Oct 18 - 22) 10 +5
NUS Navigating the Global Economy in a Time of Uncertainties: Perspectives from Asia 10 +5
NUS Services Management 10 +5
PUC eBusiness: The Latin American Way 40
SDA Bocconi Discovering Italian Excellence 25
SNU Korean Management: Local and Global Perspectives 60
UBC Sauder Sustainability and Innovation 85
UCD Smurfit Digital Business Leadership - Revolution or Evolution TBC
University of Indonesia Winning Strategies for Small and Medium Size Businesses Amidst Covid-19 Pandemic 100
UNSW Business for Social Impact and Sustainable Development 35-40
Yale SOM Behavioral Science of Management 100

If you have any questions, please contact Alina Yukhymets at or 604-827-5283.

Online Global Network Week June 8-12, 2020

Online EMBA GNW June 8-12, 2020 Information and Application

Below please find more information on the June 2020 Online Global Network Week (GNW) June 8-12, 2020

Schools/Topics/Dates: You can view the list of participating Schools, topics and dates on the Global Network Website.  Please note that you must attend all of your regularly scheduled  academic and/or career obligations according to the Professionalism, Attendance and Behavior Policy. Should there be a timing conflict, students may need to chose between the academic/career activity and the Global Network Week. Students can also choose the UBC Sauder Course in their application.

Format: Courses will be held on-line by participating partner schools during their chosen local time.  Please be prepared for the significant time difference, depending on your host school. Students may be placed in project teams and will be be required to give a team presentation or submit an assignment at the end. Pre-work is typically assigned and readings and materials are made available to students approximately one month in advance. Please review the course outlines when they become available for information on the format, assignments and expectations for the courses you're interested in.

It is imperative that students have a reliable internet connection and attend all the live sessions despite the time difference.

Credits:  You will earn 1.5 credits as an elective towards your MBA degree upon successfully completing the course. Students may receive a grade, mostly based on the final project/assignment, from their host school, and will receive a PASS on their UBC Transcript.

Costs: There’s no extra tuition associated with taking a GNW course.

Network: The range of numbers that each participating school will host is from 10-100 students from among all partner schools. Each school can typically send 1-5 students to any given course. See Table below for the number of seats available at each school to the network of 900+ students at 17 participating partner schools.

Application Process: If you are interested in participating, please submit your top 4 choices by filling out this short application form by Thursday, April 16, 2020, 11:59pm. We will receive spot allocations from the Global network and will be able to inform everyone about the results of their application by the end of April 2020 (these dates are determined by the Global Network).

Selection Process: In case where a school is oversubscribed, lottery method will be used to determine selection, so all students have a chance at being selected for their first choice school. Students who were not drawn for their first choice school will then be entered into the lottery for their second choice school, and so on, as long as seats are still available for those schools.   If the overall demand exceeds the total number of seats assigned to us, it is an unfortunate reality that some students might not be selected for any of their preferred schools. We may be able to receive a total number between 30 and 80 seats for all of our students/programs for the June GNW.  We will receive the upper range of seats if our students apply for a wide variety of schools/courses. If most of our students apply for a small number of highly sought after schools, the total number of seats assigned to us will be much smaller (see table below).

Important notification for UCD: if you select UCD Michael Smurfit Graduate Business School, Ireland as one of your choices, the dates of GNW will be from Sunday, June 7th to Thursday, June 11th

Important notification for Oxford Said 1: if you select Oxford Said 1, Systempreneurship: Innovate for impact as one of your choices, the dates are Friday, June 12 and then Monday, June 15 through Thursday, June 18.

The table below shows the total number of seats each school will  offer to the network of 900+ students applying from 17 participating business schools.

School Topic Total Capacity
EGADE Social Innovation 90
ESMT The Start-Up Challenge: an innovation sprint to launch your first business 80
Fudan Innovative China: Towards Sustainable Growth 80
Berkeley Haas Gender Equity and Leadershio in the 21st Century 35
Hitotsubashi ICS Super Aging Society-Japan 25
IE Business School Digital Transformation 60
IIMB Entrepreneurship in India: A multi-threaded perspective 30
Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile Challenges of a fast growing emergent country: Economic, Social, Political, Environmental 40
SKOLKOVO Energy Transition Globally and in Resource-rich Countries (based on Russia's business context) 38
Oxford Saïd Systempreneurship: Innovate for Impact 15
Oxford Saïd Private Equity 10
SNU Hypercompetition in Global Context: The Case for Korea 60
Strathmore Business School Understanding Business Opportunities and Investment in Emerging Markets 40
UBC Sauder COVID-19, Sustainability, and the Future of Business 80
UCD Smurfit The Future of Food 67
UNSW-AGSM Negotiating in a Global Environment 50
Yale SOM Behavioral Science 100

If you have any questions, please contact Alina Yukhymets at

UBC MBA - Yale MAM Dual Degree

UBC MBA - Yale MAM Dual Degree Option

UBC Sauder is the only Canadian member of the prestigious Global Network for advanced Management (GNAM), a global partnership of business schools spearheaded by the Yale School of Management. As a UBC Sauder student, you have the option to apply to the unique dual degree where you will gain both a UBC MBA and a Master of Advanced Management (MAM) from the Yale School of Management.
The UBC MBA and Yale MAM are complementary degrees. With the UBC MBA, you gain business experience and expertise that can transform your career path. When paired with the Yale MAM, you gain an even more in-depth understanding of global issues that enable you to make an even bigger impact as a global business leader.
In the Yale MAM, 20% of your curriculum is comprised of four required courses, while the other 80% is comprised of activities from either Yale School of Management of other graduate and professional programs at Yale University. Some popular electives include:

  • Mastering influence and Persuasion
  • Music, Service, and Society
  • Venture Capital and Private Equity

The Master of Advanced Management from Yale is available to those who either have their MBA or are currently working on their MBA. Only current MBA candidates or alumni from the GNAM network are able to apply to this degree.
How to apply

  1. Applicants may apply for both the UBC MBA and the Yale MAM at the same time, communicating to both programs in their application their intention to start the MAM post-MBA. (Students will not be accepted into the MAM, unless they are confirmed that they have been accepted into the UBC MBA). OR
  2. Current students, once accepted into the UBC MBA may apply for the Yale MAM in the beginning months of the UBC MBA program.

Yale MAM Application
Tuition Fees
Tuition fees for the UBC MBA and the Yale MAM programs are separate and are paid in full to each institution. UBC MBA students admitted into the Dual Degree Option pay the final installment of the UBC MBA tuition fees while at Yale MAM.

  • Students in the MAM who are interested in working in the public or non-profit sector after graduation may be eligible for the Yale School of Management Loan Forgiveness Program. More information on financing your MAM can be found here.

All admitted candidates are considered for a scholarship, based on merit.
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Global Immersion Experience

Global Immersion Experience 2020 dates:
February 17 - 28, 2020 for Chile, Germany and Shanghai
February 16 - 27, 2020 for Israel

The Global Immersion, a key component of the UBC MBA is part of the Business Strategy Integration course that seeks to expand the ideas around integrative problem solving. It is a 3-stage, experiential learning program focusing on business strategy, inter-cultural understanding, global business practices, and exposure to regional business trends and networks. The program will include 3 Classes before the trip, the trip itself in one of the three or four globally relevant destinations, and post-trip debrief to share learnings. The two week trip will include company visits, working in teams, cultural excursions and strategy shaping sessions with one of Sauder’s world-class international partner schools. The goal is for the students to gather first-hand knowledge about the culture and commerce of another country, and develop the confidence to work on the world stage.
The locations for the 2020 are: Tel Aviv (Israel), Santiago (Chile), Berlin (Germany) and Shanghai (China)
GIE Course Outline: BA 507 GIE 2020 Course Outline

Questions & Answers

Is participation mandatory?
Participation is mandatory for all students in the Full-Time MBA Program.

How much will it cost?
Approximate budget for Global Immersion Experience is $5,000 and is not included in the tuition fees. The budget estimate includes flights, accommodations, meals, ground transportation at host country, etc. Students are responsible for booking their own flights and paying for accommodations at RHL-selected hotel (all students in each destination must stay in the same hotel). Some destinations may include project clients that are located farther afield, thus requiring higher commute costs.

What is the Course Fee?
$600 course fee will cover cases, readings, and shared on-site costs, including but not limited to, ground transportation (chartered buses), some group meals, entry fees, local fees, company gifts, etc. The fee is due by mid-September as part of the online submission of your location preferences. This fee does not cover airfare, transportation, accommodation or meals for the in-country portion of the course in February 2020, except when provided meals have been indicated on each destination specific schedule. The course fee will be payable online via credit card.

Can students go back to their own country?
Students must elect to go to the country/region where they have no or little experience.

What is the selection process?
Students will be asked to submit their location choices in order of preference. The online application form will open by mid-September. If the demand exceeds the number of spots, allocation will be determined via lottery. Each destination cohort size is approximately 25 students.

Who are the Faculty and Staff Leads for each destination?
Germany: Darren Dahl and Teresa Pan
China: Lisa Cavanaugh and Alina Yukhymets
Chile: Danielle van Jaarsveld and Paola Portaro
Israel: Rob Prowse and Shannon Sterling

What activities, companies and consulting projects will there be for each destination?
GIE includes lectures, workshops, and visits to local companies, team projects and presentations, and cultural activities. We keep the themes broad to give students an opportunity to learn broadly about their destinations, but in some locations themes organically emerge.

At this time, specific information on companies and consulting projects is not available. Each destination will have a program with a variety of companies represented and some unique cultural activities.

Below is a quick summary of what you can expect in each destination:

Berlin, Germany:
This will be our third time in Berlin with ESCP Berlin as our institutional partner. GIE Berlin will have a variety of activities and companies, but it will have a distinct entrepreneurship flavor, focusing on Berlin as the innovation hub for start-ups. They have an interesting mix of companies that students visit, including a day trip to a well-known German car manufacturing plant.
The companies that students consulted for have been start-ups in various stages of maturity. Past industries included healthcare, education, tech, finance and many more.

Santiago, Chile:
In Chile we learn about Chile’s rich history and its unique economic position in South America. We gain exposure to its largest industries, including mining and wine-making. In past years a visit to the worlds largest mine and a visit to wine country, complete with wine tasting, were highlights for the students.  Consulting projects have included a range of industries and company sizes. Our institutional partner is University of Chile.

Tel Aviv, Israel:
Our institutional partner in Tel Avis is Tel Aviv University. GIE Israel has a focus on Israel as a Start Up Nation. Some of the consulting projects have included start-ups, and students have been exposed to learning about innovation and entrepreneurship, with strong introduction to history and culture as a backdrop.

Shanghai, China
We have strong academic partners in Shanghai, China, including Shanghai Jiaotong University, CEIBS and Fudan University. Over the years, we have developed very strong industry connections and an extensive network of alumni in the area. Shanghai offers a highly dynamic business environment and the opportunity to learn about business in China, the world’s second largest economy. We will be working on developing visits and consulting projects with a number of MNCs and companies with world-wide recognition in a range of industries.  China is the only GIE destination where we are able to offer students enhanced visa application support.

Will students have to get an entry visa?
Depending on the country of origin/citizenship and destination, students may have to get a visa prior to leaving for the trip. Once location allocations are complete, students are advised to check Visa requirements and begin the visa application process if necessary. General guidance will be available through the RHL Office and International House. If possible, entry visa arrangements should be completed by mid to late November.

Are the flights fixed or will there be allowed variations in departure/arrival dates and times?
Variation is allowed as long as everyone is on the ground by the pre-determined date/time.

Will students be staying in the same location?
Everyone will be staying in the same hotel which will be announced by the RHL office.

Will there be social/cultural activities planned? Free time to explore the city/country?
Yes, the program will include a social and cultural component as well as some time for exploring your surroundings. There will be a one-week break between the end of the Global Immersion trip and the start of Period 4 classes.

What is the timeline for the GIE?*
(Note: Additional country-specific workshops might be added at a later date)
September 14, 2019 – online application opens
September 19, 2019 – online application and $600 course fee are due
September 23, 2019 – Location cohorts are announced
24 September 2019– GIE Class 1 (1:00 pm - 4:00 pm)
21 November 2019 – GIE Class 2 (1:00 pm - 4:00 pm)
21 January 2020 – GIE Class 3 (1:00 pm - 4:00 pm)
17 – 28 February 2020 – Global Immersion Trip (16 - 27 February 2020 for GIE Israel)
March 19, 2020 – Post-Trip Celebration and Debrief
*the dates/times above may be subject to change

Outbound Exchange

Your Passport to a Global Perspective

The MBA Exchange program offers invaluable opportunities to study business from an international perspective and to experience life in a different culture firsthand. Students form life-long friendships, develop advantageous business networks and have the chance to explore new countries. The benefits of participating in an exchange program endure long after graduation.

Prior to starting the online Exchange Application, please review the following information resources:

Exchange Application Instructions:

Students apply for Exchange through UBC's Go Global on-line application: (please disregard the Dec. 17th deadline on the Go Global Website, and follow the instructions below instead)

  • Start your online application through the Go Global Webpage:
      1. Navigate to the 'Starting an Online Application' section
      2. Click on "start an online application and follow the steps through Gateway" link
      3. Login with your CWL
      4. Follow the steps through "Gateway", Go Global online application program
      5. Once logged in, click on "Search Experiences" and enter "MBA Study" in the "Keywords" field.
  • If you've already started an application through Gateway, you can resume your application from where you left off at any time.
  • Once you've started your application, you will be asked to submit a list of supporting documents. Please have the following documents ready for upload:
  • If you would like to be considered for half-term exchange (see list of partners where it's available below), please indicate this in your essay.
  • The Go Global fee ($415) will be assessed through the Student Service Centre (SSC). Please note that the fee will not be posted until after the Application deadline has passed.  Application fee is refundable, if students don't get assigned any of their preferred choices.
  • Complete the applicaiton and submit supporting documents by the application deadline.
  • Exchange Application deadline: January 20, 2020

Go Global Award:
Value -  Up to $1,000 per term
Eligibility -  All students nominated for Exchange, Research Abroad, Global Seminars, Summer Abroad or Study Abroad programs will be considered for the Go Global award. A separate application is not required. If you meet the eligibility criteria, then you will be notified of your award after nomination to the program.
To be eligible for the award, you must have an average of at least 70% on your best 18 credits in the Winter Session before your exchange (with no failed or incomplete courses). Graduate students that are full-time and in good standing with their program with no outstanding or failed grades are also eligible for the Go Global Award.
How to apply: Automatically considered with Exchange application

MBA students participate in an Exchange during the fall term of the "second" year of the program (Periods 6 & 7). For many of the exchange schools, students must be enrolled for the whole term at the exchange partner institution. Some schools offer an option of participating in the half-term. Please see below the list of schools that offer an option of half-term exchange, which in most cases coincides with the dates for your Period 6 (exception: Tel Aviv - Coller, which lines up with Period 7, and NTU which starts late July).

Exchange Partners with 2 periods in the Fall Semester*

Aalto (Finland) Period 1: Mid Sept - Late Oct, 2020
Period 2: Late Oct - Mid Dec, 2020
CEIBS (China) Period 1: Early Sept. - Late Oct, 2020
Period 2: Late Oct - Early Dec, 2020
Tel Aviv-Coller (Israel) Period 1: Mid Oct - Late Nov, 2020
Period 2: Early Dec, 2019- Mid Jan, 2020
HKUST (Hong Kong) Period 1: Sept – late Oct 2020
Period 2: Early Nov - late December 2020
NTU Singapore Period 1: Late July - Late Oct, 2020
Period 2: Early Nov - Mid Dec, 2020
RSM (Netherlands) Period 1: Early Sept – Late Oct, 2020
Period 2: Late Oct– Late Dec, 2020
SDA Bocconi Period 1: Late Oct - Late Dec, 2020
SMU (Singapore) Period 1: Late July - Early Oct, 2020
Period 2: Early Oct- Early Dec, 2020
WHU (Germany) Period 1: September 1st – Late Oct, 2020
Period 2: Late Oct - December 22nd, 2020
Yonsei (Korea) Period 1: September 1 – Oct 26, 2020
Period 2: Oct 27– Dec 21, 2020

*will be updated with specific 2020 dates when they become available

MBA Exchange Partner Institutions

MBA Exchange Student Reports

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Sauder Social Entrepreneurship - Kenya (SSE-Kenya)

Sauder Social Entrepreneurship - Kenya is one part of the African Initiative at the Sauder School of Business. SSE-Kenya started delivering a business plan training program to youth living in Africa in the summer of 2006. These workshops educate and enable impoverished youth to start their own businesses. The program is based on one designed by Sauder faculty and is delivered to residents of Mathare and Kibera in Nairobi, Kenya.
Through extensive research and support from the Sauder community and our African partners, the UBC students involved in SSE-Kenya together with students from Strathmore University in Nairobi, have designed the course to be practical, applicable, and sustainable in the local context.
For details on the program click here.
Project Components:

  • Four weeks of workshops to Kenyan youth on the essentials of a business plan.
  • One-on-one consultation sessions with program participants, to share ideas and information, complete the business plans and organize step-by-step development strategies.
  • Guest speakers from the Kenyan business community provide a local prospective, impart inspiration and share essential knowledge and experience.
  • Post-program support to polish the business plan, access funding, and launch businesses.

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