The UBC Disabled Students Association is in search of executive members! We are looking for a treasurer, for people with experience in social activism, and for people with disabilities (physical and sensory impairments, autism spectrum disorder, learning disabilities, ongoing medical conditions) who are interested in representing their community and want to improve academic and physical accessibility at UBC.

Please contact Evguenia Ignatenko on Facebook, through e-mail (ignatenko.evguenia@gmail.com), or by phone/text/whatsapp (604-401-5853) for more information and to apply.

Reminder: Share your story in NEADS survey!

The National Educational Association of Disabled Students (NEADS) is collecting stories from students with disabilities about their experience in obtaining financial aid to support their post-secondary studies. If you have faced challenges in this area, you are encouraged to share your story by completing their online survey by May 30, 2016.

Your participation will help inform NEADS’ advocacy efforts to improve access to financial aid in Canada for students with disabilities. Stories collected will be made available in the future in NEADS’ annual report.

Should you require assistance in financial planning, UBC Enrolment Services can provide personalized support and advice to help ensure your financial wellbeing and academic success.

Enrolment Services Professionals can work with you to understand your costs and financial aid options, and help make a plan to fund your studies.

How to contact an ESP

Access online financial resources

Financial health is an essential part of student wellbeing. We encourage you to take advantage of UBC’s free resources to support your financial health and make the most of your experience here.

Mattinson Scholarship Program for Students with Disabilities

The Mattinson Scholarship Program for Students with Disabilities is offering up to four scholarships, valued at $2,000 CAD for a bachelor degree program, tenable for one year.  Applications are by nomination only, and only one nominee from each of Universities Canada’s member institutions will be accepted. The candidates must be Canadian citizens or permanent residents of Canada, and have a minimum academic average of 80%.  Candidates must be diagnosed with a permanent disability which is documented and is the primary disability for which they are applying.

Postmarked applications must be sent to Universities Canada on or before May 16, 2016.

For additional information, please visit Universities Canada’s web site, and click on the Mattinson Scholarship Program for Students with Disabilities link.

Applications must be received by May 5 by Access and Diversity to review and consider one nomination. Please drop off to Access and Diversity at 1203 Brock Hall or email access.diversity@ubc.ca

Seeking Your Financial Aid Stories!

Do you have stories of challenges you have faced in getting financial aid to support your college or university studies, as a student with a disability?

If so, we want to hear from you! The National Educational Association of Disabled Students

(NEADS) is collecting student narratives on the difficulties of navigating Canada’s student financial aid system. We are especially interested in your experiences with government grants and loans programs. Your stories will inform our advocacy to improve financial aid in Canada for students with disabilities.

Please share your story with us by completing the following survey online, which is supported by the Canadian Association of Student Financial Aid Administrators and hosted by the University of New Brunswick: http://goo.gl/hj4Ndq

We ask that surveys be completed by May 30, 2016.

Thank you for your help in improving the post-secondary experience of students with disabilities in Canada!

National Educational Association of Disabled Students (NEADS) Rm. 514 Unicentre, Carleton University Ottawa, Ontario, K1S 5B6 tel. (613) 380-8065 ext. 201 www.neads.ca

“Supporting access to post-secondary education and employment for students with disabilities”

– See more at:


Racontez-nous vos expériences de l’aide financière aux étudiants!

Racontez-nous vos expériences de l’aide financière aux étudiants! Auriez-vous des histoires à nous raconter concernant les difficultés auxquelles vous avez été confrontés pour obtenir de l’aide financière afin de poursuivre vos études collégiales ou universitaires en tant qu’étudiant ayant une incapacité? Si c’est le cas, nous voulons les connaître!

L’Association nationale des étudiant(e)s handicapé(e)s au niveau postsecondaire (NEADS) recueille des récits sur les problèmes que rencontrent les étudiants en tentant de s’y retrouver dans le système canadien d’aide financière aux étudiants. Nous nous intéressons tout particulièrement à vos expériences des programmes gouvernementaux de prêts et bourses.

Vos témoignages éclaireront nos activités de représentation en vue d’améliorer l’aide financière au Canada pour les étudiants handicapés.

Nous vous demandons de bien vouloir partager vos histoires avec nous en remplissant le questionnaire en ligne suivant, qui bénéficie du soutien de l’Association canadienne des responsables de l’aide financière aux étudiants et qui est hébergé par l’Université du Nouveau-Brunswick : http://goo.gl/Lb9oMg Respondez par le 30 Mai, 2016 s’il vous plait.

Merci de nous aider à améliorer l’expérience postsecondaire des étudiants handicapés au Canada!

L’Association nationale des étudiant(e)s handicapé(e)s au niveau postsecondaire (NEADS) Pièce 426, Unicentre, Université Carleton Ottawa (Ontario) K1S 5B6 Tél. : 613-380-8065, poste 201 www.neads.ca

« Nous encourageons l’accès à l’enseignement postsecondaire et au marché du travail pour les étudiants et les diplômés handicapés. »

Breaking Silences Stigma

Please join us at Green College Coach House to launch a dialogue addressing accessibility challenges in our community. We will be discussing disability rights and activism, common challenges, and tips for being an ally to people with disabilities.

Please RSVP so we can get an idea of how many people to bring snacks for! Please let us know if you have any accessibility needs.


J.allard.green@gmail.com or beckylgold@gmail.com

Directions to Green College can be found at www.greencollege.ubc.ca

NEADS Breaking It Down employment event

Breaking it Down: Dialogues on Removing Barriers for People With Disabilities in the Workplace (Vancouver, British Columbia, Saturday, March 12, 2016)

The National Educational Association of Disabled Students (NEADS) invites post-secondary students and graduates with disabilities, career educators and representatives from federally regulated private sector employers to a one day innovative and interactive workshop “Breaking it Down (BID):

Dialogues on removing barriers for people with disabilities in the workplace”, to be held in Vancouver, British Columbia on Saturday, March 12th from 8:00 a.m. – 4:30 p.m. at Simon Fraser University, Goldcorp Centre for the Arts, 149 West Hastings Street. This event is presented by the Centre for Students With Disabilities and Career Services, Simon Fraser University.

Register online now:


The BID workshop is part of “Breaking Through

Barriers”: An Employment Project To Support Persons With Disabilities, a national two–and-a-half year project funded by Labour Canada through its Workplace Opportunities:

Removing Barriers to Equity program. The initiative is aimed at connecting recent graduates with disabilities and employers in the federally regulated sector, through in-person workshops and a unique web portal designed to create on-going relationships and resource sharing between disabled graduates and employers.

During this event, students and employers will have the opportunity to hear from both lived experience and employer experts on topics such

as: Personal Branding and Social Media; Disclosure and Accommodation In The Workplace; Job Interviews; Soft Skills: Challenges in the Workplace; Professional Development; Barriers and Focused Career Transitions; Moving On From Entry Level. Unlike most employment workshops that rely on a one-way flow of knowledge from employer to potential employee, student and employer participants will have the opportunity to engage in facilitated discussions about the issues aimed at creating a knowledge exchange process between employers and potential employees.

Come join NEADS and representatives of our valued project partners (see below), for an employment workshop that will bring job seekers and job makers together, who will learn from each other by……….Breaking it Down. This event is free to post-secondary students and recent graduates with disabilities (within less than 5 years after graduation). The registration fee is $50 for professionals. You must complete all fields in the registration form. A full list of speakers will be announced soon!

Introductory Remarks:

Jewelles Smith, Vice-Chair/British Columbia Director, National Educational Association of Disabled Students (NEADS)


Dr. Mahadeo Sukhai, Ph.D, Team Leader and Head, Variant interpretation Group, Advanced Molecular Diagnostics Laboratory, University Health Network, Princess Margaret Hospital, The Ontario Cancer Institute

Master of Ceremonies:

Jeremiah Bach, Event Producer, National Educational Association of Disabled Students (NEADS)

Other Speakers Include:

Sana Khan, Employment and Outreach Specialist, Canadian Council on Rehabilitation and Work (CCRW): Branding and Social Media

Jewelles Smith, Vice-Chair/British Columbia Director, National Educational Association of Disabled Students (NEADS): Disclosure and Accommodation in the Workplace

For further information contact: Jeremiah Bach, Event Producer, NEADS:

<mailto:jeremiah.bach@neads.ca>jeremiah.bach@neads.ca or our national office

VocalEye – Live Audio Description

VocalEye started over seven years ago, kicking off with a production of “The Miracle Worker” at the Vancouver Playhouse.   It was the first Live Audio Description program in the country.  Which means people with low vision or blindness can listen to a description of a play or performance, in between dialogue, as it unfolds live on stage.

VocalEye regularly partners with The Arts Club Stanley, The Arts Club Granville Island, The Gateway, PuSh Festival and The Surrey Arts Centre.

People who are blind or have low vision can become a member of VocalEye for free.  You can contact

info@vocaleye.ca  to sign-up.  Included in a membership is the possibility of a ‘touch tour’ during select performances.

For more information, visit http://www.vocaleye.ca/

Student or Grad with a Disability? Don’t Miss the Career Opportunities that are Available Now!

Lime Connect’s corporate partners are searching for talented individuals for outstanding internship, co-op, part-time and full-time positions.

Join us at the Lime Connect, Vancouver January 28th Corporate Recruitment Reception!

Application deadline is Sunday, January 17th!

BMO Financial Group, IBM Canada, and TD Bank Group are seeking to connect for a number of outstanding opportunities. There are great roles for new and upcoming grads, current students and experienced professionals.  

Event Date: Thursday, January 28th, 2016 (by invitation only)
Time: 6:00 – 8:00 pm 
(registration starts at 5:30)
Format: Partner remarks followed by networking reception
Dress: Business
Location: Downtown Vancouver
Opportunities: Roles include a wide variety of positions ranging from commercial banking, financial planning and financial analyst to client services, sales, technology solutions, software development, IT analyst and more. A number of positions, including co-op, are located in Toronto for those willing to relocate.

Space is limited, apply today!

To apply, log into your Lime Network account, view the job descriptions and follow the link to our online application system to indicate your interests. And, while you’re there, be sure to update your Lime Network profile so we have your most current information.  If you have received this notice from a friend or colleague and are a student or graduate with a disability and not a member of The Lime Network, we welcome your registration.


Lime Connect – Upcoming deadline for scholarships!

Google Lime Scholarship

The Google Lime Scholarship is an opportunity for students to $5,000 (for those studying in Canada), attend the annual Google Scholars Retreat, and be considered for an internship.

Who: An undergraduate, graduate, or PhD student currently enrolled at a university in the U.S. or Canada who is pursuing a Computer Science or Computer Engineering degree, or a degree in a closely related field

When: Deadline to apply is Sunday, December 6th at 11:59pm PST

How: To learn more and apply, log into The Lime Network

Learn more: Read a blog post by a 2015 Google Lime Scholar. Listen to a webinar on tips for applying from two 2015 Google Lime Scholars.

The BMO Capital Markets Lime Connect Equity Through Education Scholarship

The BMO Capital Markets Lime Connect Equity Through Education Scholarship is an opportunity for students to receive $5,000 (for those studying in Canada) and be considered for an internship.

Who: A current undergraduate or graduate student at a four-year university in the U.S. or Canada (MBA is included) who is pursuing a degree in business, engineering, math, physics, or a related discipline

When: Deadline to apply is Sunday, December 13th at 11:59pm PST

How: To learn more and apply, log into The Lime Network.

TD Lime Connect Canada Scholarship (Network members in Canada only)

The TD Bank Group Lime Connect Canada Scholarship Program provides recipients with a $2500 scholarship and a paid 2015 summer internship with TD, a company that places emphasis on opportunity, leadership and the value of a diverse workforce.

Who: For students in Canada who are interested in careers in finance, capital markets, global anti-money laundering (GAML) or information technology

When: Deadline to apply is Sunday, December 13th at 11:59pm PST

How: To learn more and apply, log into The Lime Network