Sarah Gaulin Memorial Scholarship

The Sarah Gaulin Memorial Scholarship was established in honour of Sarah Gaulin, who died at age 26 after a longtime battle with mental illness. Along with her passion for Paralympic sport, Sarah actively pursued a career in the healthcare field. Notwithstanding her health issues, Sarah persevered and continued to attend and excel in her educational field of choice. Although she battled with mental illness, she never gave up on education and her dream of one day helping others. The scholarship seeks to support and encourage the resilience of individuals with mental illness pursuing post-secondary education, which Sarah believed strongly in.

Scholarship value: $1,000.00

Please visit for more information

International Day of Persons with Disabilities

Wednesday December 3, 2014 is the International Day of Persons with Disabilities.

The annual observance of the International Day of Persons with Disabilities was proclaimed in 1992 by the United Nations General Assembly resolution 47/3. The observance of the Day aims to promote an understanding of disability issues and mobilize support for the dignity, rights and well-being of persons with disabilities. It also seeks to increase awareness of gains to be derived from the integration of persons with disabilities in every aspect of political, social, economic and cultural life.

This year, the International Day of Persons with Disabilities will focus on the role of technology in creating enabling working environments and in disaster risk reduction and emergency responses.

UBC is recognizing the International Day of Persons with Disabilities on December 3rd. Free events are also happening around the City of Vancouver recognizing this day.

Be a part of Autism and Asperger’s research!

Help us discover the unique ways in which people with Autism process language!
We are a group of researchers at the Child and Family Research Institute at BC Children’s Hospital, and we’re looking for participants to help us understand how people with Au-tism process language. Understanding language processing in the brain may help development of better therapies for people with Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD). We need people who are:

  • Male, between 14 and 30 years of age
  • Right-handed
  • Verbal, with English as their first language
  • Reading at or above a grade 5 level
  • Currently living in BC
  • Diagnosed with an ASD

The study involves:

  • Participating in language and thinking tasks
  • Separate interviews with you and your parents
  • Non-invasive MRI and EEG scans while reading sentences on a monitor

Scheduling is flexible and we offer an honorarium for your time. We’ll reimburse you for your travel expenses. For more information and to sign up, please contact Keith at or 604-875-3068

Participants needed: research study on clinicians living with a disability

Researchers from the University of British Columbia are investigating the barriers and facilitators of clinicians with disabilities in the healthcare professions. In particular, we are interested in the following programs: Medicine, Nursing, Occupational Therapy, Physical Therapy, and Social Work.

If you are a clinician living with a disability (visible or non-visible), we would like to invite you to help us understand the barriers and facilitators to access and inclusion in education and practice by participating in three interviews over the course of a year. Each interview will last approximately 45 minutes to an hour.

In appreciation of your participation, you will receive an honorarium of $45, paid in incremental fashion. You are eligible to participate in this study if you meet the following criteria:

  • Living with a disability (e.g., learning disability, physical disability, or mental health disability)
  • Currently practicing in one of the following professions: Medicine, Nursing, Occupational Therapy, Physical Therapy, or Social Work
  • Have at least one year of clinical experience
  • 19 years of age or older

Contact: Adam Easterbrook
Phone: 604-822-7412

Construction Update – MacMillan Building

Please note the completion of the modernization of the elevator at the MacMillan Building has been delayed.  We are now expecting final of the inspection to take place, Monday September 8/14.  Until final inspection, the elevator will not be available for public use, however if access is required to access the upper floors of the building, the elevator can be used as long as the contractor is operating the cab.

Please contact or 604-822-5844 if you need access and we will get in touch with the contractor. Please let us know as early as possible in order to make this arrangement.

Bursary for students with Cerebral Palsy

The Cerebral Palsy Association of BC’s current Tanabe Bursary program provides funds toward tuition/school associated costs to individuals with CP attending or planning to attend post-secondary.  If you believe you know anyone who may be able to benefit from this program, please refer them to the application here:

The deadline for applications is July 18, 2014

Rick Hansen “Man In Motion” Fellowship

The Rick Hansen “Man in Motion” Fellowships are made available by the University of British Columbia to honour the incredible determination and many personal achievements of Rick Hansen.  Two fellowships, valued at $16,000 per year, are awarded each year to UBC graduate students with a physical disability.

Annual Value: $16,000
Graduate Program Deadline: check with your graduate program

Please consult the Graduate Awards website for further information and application procedures:

The contact at the Faculty of Graduate Studies for this award is Angela Rizzo:

Service Restructuring, Employment Outcomes and Opportunities for People with Disabilities in B.C.’s Labour Market

We would like to talk to individuals with a disability who have knowledge and expertise about employment supports and services. We want to hear about your experiences with employment services and supports in British Columbia.

We are asking individuals to participate in an individual interview or in a focus group (group discussion). The interview and focus group discussions will focus on participants’ experiences of employment services and supports for individuals with a disability. Participants will receive a $15 honorarium.

If you would like more information or wish to participate, please contact Sara Lige at
(250) 807-9460 or

UBC Campus Radio – CiTR – Accessibility Documentary

Hello, our names are Deepi Leihl and Morgan Yee. We are two volunteers at CiTR (UBC’s campus and community radio station), working on a project on accessibility on campus and around the lower mainland.  We’re inviting you to share your personal experiences with accessibility and to contribute your voice to our documentary.

Anyone interested in being interviewed for our program, please contact us at, and we will set up an appointment to speak with you.

Thank you and hope to hear from many of you soon!