
Foxconn Under Fire once again

Apple has a knack of making millions due to it’s brand name. No matter what it does on the sidelines.

One of Apple’s manufacturers, Foxconn, is under fire again. “Workers went on strike at Foxconn’s Zhengzhou complex in central China on Friday,” and the result is tight availability for the new iphone 5. I say good.

We all know of Foxconn’s history so to know that the employees still haven’t given up gets me fired up. While the rest of the world was excited about the new iphone 5, I’ll be excited about the limited quantity of the product entering the market because it’s producers are fighting for their basic rights.

I don’t think there is much I need to say.  We know Foxconn and Apple are wrong. Even they know that they’re wrong. So please enlighten me how anyone can justify buying their products?


Bringing it Home

It seems that China is starting to lose some business. “Reshoring” is starting to become common practice among businesses and I can’t decide whether this is a good thing or bad thing.

You could easily list out all the points as the why it’s good. Helps the local economy and what not.
But as we slowly pull out of China we’re going to leave China in a terrible economic state. I know that countries should be looking out for themselves, especially in the state the World is, but as we’re all grasping for the top we’re going have to kick some people down.

As much as I’d like the world to be picture perfect; I know it can’t happen. So I say bring the companies home.