It’s all about the money, right?

Why would anyone ever want to work on a holiday? Especially on a day that’s meant to be a day of being thankful. But stores like Walmart and Target see it as a day of making as much money as possible. 

“Every year the opening gets earlier and earlier. Before long, we will be open all day on Thanksgiving,” she said. “Thanksgiving is a day about families, and giving thanks for what we have got. There are a lot of single parents at Target. This just ruins the holiday for them.”

She said she had been surprised by management’s attitude to the holiday. “I have always enjoyed working here and they have always seemed flexible,” she said. But not about this. “Their attitude seems to be: if you don’t turn up for work, you don’t have a job.”

I’m all for maximizing profits but this is just too much for me. Why does maximizing profits have to supersede the morals of being a decent human being?   I understand that Businesses are free to do as they please. If being open during holidays was a poor choice then it would reflect in sales. But, it doesn’t because people want to shop. So I guess things we’ll just continue to get worse.

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