Lieutenant Nun

After reading this lecture about Lieutenant Nun, i just realised that she was a brave woman but also a desperate one. First of all, I think this kind of adventure started in the first place because her parents listed her as a nun and this was a very common thing in those times. The second and the most important one that I am going to talk about later is that she had this very soldier thing attached to herself because her parent was a captain so i deduce that she wanted to be like him but she never spoke about this.

I also perceive many thoughts from Catalina De Erauso that shows anger in a very first place because when she started to travel and received help from other guys like her uncle, she always had to do bad things like flirting with other girl and did not care about consequences, she was a rebel young girl to me.

A very important thing in this lecture is that she wanted to be a soldier or a fighter because of two main causes: She was travelling in one of the most powerful countries in those years (in which period women were not treated as free women) and the second one she wanted to be treated as a man, you can notice that she was always following and seeking for men jobs.

I need to say that it caused to me the same feeling as when I was reading Christopher Columbus, she was not a hero at all because she always wanted to seek advantage from anyone, like stealing money or for example when playing as a gambler she did not how to control her anger and of course always causing problems to other people.

Finally, comparing this lecture and the last one I found that religion was a very important matter in both lectures because two of the main characters used this to show that they were benevolent (at the end or were they in trouble) but that was not true.

Ultimately, i have these 3 questions that I would like to know:

1. What was the main reason that she wrote her biography by herself?
2. Why she did not talk to her parents about being a warrior?
3. We can see by her actions that religion was very important to her… So, why did she decided to be a soldier?

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