2.3 Reflection

In the process of researching how to create a LinkedIn profile, I was surprised to discover content creation as a recommended tool to begin networking. My thoughts of LinkedIn have been that it is more of a static tool, it did not occur to me that content creation might be a means of getting a profile more attention from potential employers. 

In the report’s progress, I have revised my research methods to include a survey to better gauge existing understanding and areas that may need revisiting in residents. In progressing my research of waste management in other areas I realize that educating communities is a vital aspect to whether a recycling program serves its intended function or not. An area that I have been brainstorming around is where to best post my survey link to get the most completed surveys for a more accurate analysis of data. I believe social media will be the best option for an online poll as this method favours a larger potential of views than traditional methods ( handed-out copies). 

In peer-reviewing, I am imposed on the importance, again, of having another set of eyes to help clear confusion or areas that are potentially missing information. In reading and posting on the team forum I find that our ideas are quite diverse and there are many ways of interpreting a topic, thus further highlighting the importance of including a peer-reviewing process. From my own writing, I find that knowing my work will be peer-reviewed increases my awareness of how it may be interpreted and therefore increases my overall consciousness of what elements may need revising.


Mroz, 301 Revised Formal Report Proposal

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