Confirmed invited speakers
Confirmed tutorial speakers
Cedric Boeckx Thinking big: biolinguistics
Amy Rose Deal How agreement works, with special reference to A’-features
Marcel den Dikken Copular constructions, A′-movement and A′-agreement
Mara Frascarelli Move and Agree as discourse-related dependencies
Hedde Zeijlstra The syntax and semantics behind A’-agree and A’-movement
Confirmed forum presenters
Nico Baier formal typology: On the Nature of Complex A/A’-Probes
Chris Hammerly psycholinguistics: Processing relativization in Ojibwe
Chris Reintges diachrony: Coptic hidden movement configurations
Susana Béjar and
Arsalan Kahnemuyipour Armenian and Persian: Agreement in binominal copular clauses
Victoria Chen Austronesian: What agrees, why and how: A view from Austronesian
Michael Hamilton Algonquian: Agreement and discourse-configurationality in Algonquian
Marianne Huijsmans Salishan: ʔayʔaǰuθəm subject agreement
Carol-Rose Little Mayan: Subextraction and Agree: A Mayan perspective
Martina Martinović Atlantic-Congo: Exhaustivity and Predication in A’-extraction in Wolof
Astrid van Alem and
Marjo van Koppen Germanic: The effect of A’-contexts on A-agreement
Jenneke van der Wal Bantu: Information structure as A-syntax
Coppe van Urk Nilotic: Feature-driven movement and the syntax of successive cyclicity
Nicholas Welch Na-Dene: TBA