
The situation of these animals can be considered in various ethical frameworks.

From Regan’s viewpoint, the dogs have inherent value that goes beyond their usefulness in battle. As such, they deserve to be treated the same as the men they serve with. He would agree with the ongoing debate to label dogs as “Canine Members of the Armed Forces” rather than just equipment, as that would put them more on par with the men that they are fighting beside.

The MWD are faithful companions, working by the side of their handlers. They deserve to be recognized as more than just “equipment”. Retrieved from:

Singer believes in the greater good, with all pain and happiness being equal, no matter who feels it, be they canine or human. This utilitarian point of view would allow for the dogs to be used in war, even though they might die, because they are saving many lives and doing enough good to outweigh the bad of their deaths. However, he would also agree with increasing the MWD’s welfare, as that will further reduce the negative and thus increase the greater good overall.

A third point of view comes from Rollin, a philosopher who believes that an animal’s rights are expressed through their access to a natural life. Many of the breeds chosen for military work have been bred for activeness, making them eager and ready workers. These dogs are not meant to sit around as housedogs; they have been bred for an active life. This may suggest that working on the front lines, where they are constantly doing work that they are suited for, may be enabling them to obtain a natural living. Rollin would, however, also encourage enrichment of dog kennels, as well as access to high levels of socialization with both humans and other dogs, which is necessary for the natural sociability of dogs.

26 Awesome Photos of War Dogs Showing How Badass and Cute They Can Be

Coba, a three year old chocolate lab and tactical explosives detector dog enjoys playtime as much as any other canine. Providing toys and play for her allows her to access her natural living. Retrieved from:

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