Meeting Minutes | 22 March 2011

ALA Student Chapter Meeting – March 22, 2011; 11 a.m.
1. Heidi: Welcome and attendance.
Heidi Schiller
Yolanda Bustos
Anna Doyle
Not in attendance:
Kate Longley, Naomi Schemm

2. Approval of February meeting minutes. Approved.
3. Anna: funds update. Deposited our revenue from Valentine event. $62 in LASSA account. Still no LASSA funds, but Kirsty will do it as soon as she gets the money. Anna has the data to give a small year in review report.

4. Feedback for Ingrid Parent event. Good event and a good opportunity for recruiting. Lots of students and faculty present. Lunch was totally yummy and nice. Having lunch was a good way to have a speaker. We inquired about the price but Eric didn’t know. Possible that if we had enough notice, we could have some additional SLAIS sponsorship for food funds. We agreed that lunch is a very smart way to get good attendance for a speaker.

5. Brainstorming for next year’s events: Tabled due to lack of next year’s group members present. We will discuss this planning over the summer.

6. Discuss the creation of an annual report-end of the year office reports.
We need a narrative of what we did this year. Heidi will provide the annual report. Anna will create a financial report. Yolanda will edit and approve all docs and add them to the official ALA minutes, constitution etc.

7. Other Business
Summer reading: Kate’s baby? We’ll possibly all contribute a reader’s advisory which will be web accessible. Something small, maybe even a blog post with recommendations.

New student orientation: ALA conference in ANAHEIM. Disneyland! ALA student to staff informational brochures and informational club brochures will be made available (also on the website).

8. Thanks for a great first term everyone!