SLAIS ALA Student Rep at ALA Annual Conference in New Orleans!

The SLAIS ALA Student Chapter has a representative — Secretary Yolanda Bustos — at the ALA Conference in New Orleans! Look out for news and information from #ala11 on Twitter.

Congratulations and Thank You to Graduating SLAIS ALA Members and Officers!

Congratulations to SLAIS graduating class of 2010-2011!!

We owe a big THANK YOU to Chair Heidi Schiller, Co-Chair Naomi Schemm and Treasurer Anna Doyle for their work and initiative in helping the new ALA SLAIS Student Chapter off the ground and piloting it in its first year! We wish Heidi, Naomi, Anna and all of the graduating SLAIS students both luck and tenacity in working toward their chosen goals.

We believe in you!!