Sarah Fallik chosen for ALA Student to Staff Competition

The ALA Student Chapter would like to congratulate Sarah Fallik in being chosen for the ALA Student to Staff Competition!

Each year, 40 MLIS students are chosen to assist ALA staff during ALA Annual Conference. In exchange for working four hours a day (or a total of 20 hours), these students receive free conference registration, housing, and a per diem for meal expenses. During free time, they may attend programs and participate in other conference activities.

This year’s conference will be held in Anaheim, California from June 21 to 26.

Have fun and learn lots, Sarah!

Meeting Minutes | 8 November 2011

1. Meeting called to order

2. Approval of meeting minutes

  • October 11 meeting minutes are approved, and it is decided that for the version of the meeting minutes posted on the blog, the names of attendees will be removed for privacy reasons.
  • The names of attendees that appear on previous meeting minutes already posted to the blog will remain unless Layla ( is contacted with a request to remove a name from the record.

3. Marathon Reading

  • Carrie presented an idea to the group to hold a “marathon reading” as a way to raise awareness of the ALA student group, raise money for a cause, and partner with other student groups.
  • At her previous program, the marathon reading lasted three full days. People would sign up for 15-­30 minutes sessions, and the audience would come and go, bringing food to share. Readers are sponsored in order to raise funds.
  • Librarians Without Borders and other SLAIS student groups could be invited to participate and money raised could be split between the groups or donated to the Carnegie Center.
  • Questions going forward include the topic of the readings / possible themed ALA week tie-­ins, the space (IKBLC classroom?), potential co-­sponsoring / participating student or outside groups (MFA program at UBC, MACL program, Librarians Without Borders?).
  • Will aim to hold the event next term. Carrie will lead a committee to organize the event. A sign up sheet was passed around to solicit members of the committee: Marathon Reading Organization Committee – Chelsea Shriver, Carrie Grinstead, Lindsey Krabbenhoft, Nick Josten, Kate Conerton, Judith Guzman-­Montes, Dana Horrocks, Layla Naquin

4. White Elephant Book Swap / Bake Sale Event

  • The White Elephant Book Swap / Bake Sale will take place on November 23. The bake sale will go from 11 a.m.-­2 p.m., and the book swap will go from 12-­1 p.m.
  • Volunteers are needed for publicity, book swap organization, baking / bake sale organization.
  • It is decided that ALA student group members should bring extra books to the book swap to allow SLAIS students who do not bring books to participate. Also, there is a possible tie-‐in to the Carnegie Center book  drive being organized by Librarians Without Borders (you can donate the book you receive in the book swap to the book drive).
  • A sign up sheet is passed around to solicit members for book swap and bake sale committees: White Elephant Book Swap Organizing Committee – Chelsea Shriver, Dana Horrocks, Mary Jinglewski, Sarah Fallik. Bake Sale Organizing Committee – Ebony Magnus, Ashley Pettet, Morgan Gariepy, Judith Guzman­‐Montes,  Layla Naquin, Morgan Barnes, Elspeth Olson
  • Eric Meyer recommends that bake sale be set up on a by‐donation basis, rather than establishing prices for individual items.
  • Caroline points out that it is important to be aware of potential food allergies(nuts, gluten) when baking. Also, IGA and Safeway are having a sale on baking items until November 10.
  • It is determined that Mary will head the book swap committee and Elspeth will head the bake sale committee. Layla will handle publicity.

5. Volunteer Projects / Outreach

  • It is decided to postpone discussion of future volunteer projects until the next meeting in order to focus on the upcoming event. Potential future volunteer projects include collaborations with Librarians Without Borders and the Green College Reading Room Committee.
  • There discussion of possible volunteer opportunities with VPL or Friends of the Library, but it is decided that it is likely not feasible to accomplish this based on library volunteering rules and limited volunteering opportunities with the Friends of the Library.
  • Eric Meyer recommends instead making sure that we get the ALA student group onto the radars of the powers that be by, for example, inviting Sandra Singh, VPL’s chief librarian and a SLAIS grad, for lunch and a chat.
  • This suggestion opened up a conversation about establishing a regular lunch and talk series exploring issues in libraries. Possible invitees include heads of UBC department libraries, librarians from other institutions (Simon Fraser University, Langara College), community librarians / people currently in the field.
  • Dana suggests that these lunches could be a good opportunity to ask future colleagues what they could expect / ask of us as a student group and as future librarians.

6. Announcements

  • Dana emailed Beth Barlow, the head of the Surrey Public Library, to inquire about a tour for the ALA student group. The BCLA YAACS group is going to the Surrey Public Library to meet with the teen librarian on November 16. ALA student group members are invited to join the BCLA group on their visit to the library. The group will return in time for 2 p.m. class. A tour specifically for the ALA student group with Beth Barlow will be postponed until next term when class schedules are finalized.
  • The ALA student group at the University of Washington is excited about the potential collaboration with our ALA student group. Mary and Elspeth will be setting up a Skype meeting with the president of the UW group to plan for next term.
  • The t-­shirt connection that Kaitlynn had mentioned at the last meeting fell through. We will revisit discussion about group t-­shirts next term.
  • The ALA conference Student-to‐Staff program essay is due on December 2. Layla received instructions from Eric on applying, which she will send to the group. The winner will be notified by December 15. Once your name has been submitted to ALA as the winner, you must attend the conference, so only apply to the Student-­to­‐Staff program if you are sure you can attend the conference.
  • Eric reminds us that there will be a SLAIS colloquium November 9 on digital literacy, and there is still a spot available to attend lunch if anyone is interest in joining.

7. Meeting adjourned